
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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café gourmand (Sex Story hetero)

Published by : stef77 the 31/05/2017 in the Straight erotic stories
Un matin,je reçois un colis dans ma boite qui ne m'est pas destiné,le livreur a confondu le 6 de ma rue avec le 6 de la place pas très loin ayant sonné chez le destinataire pas de réponse je dépose le colis devant la porte. Le lendemain idem là il s'agit de capsules de café, je retourne chez les gens,après deux coups de sonnette,une femme m'ouvre et je lui explique que le livreur doit avoir un problème avec les adresses car c'est le deuxième fois qu'il se trompe.Pour me remercier du dérangement see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Forty, European, Married

holidays in perigord (Sex Story gay)

Published by : stef77 the 07/02/2015 in the Gay erotic stories
With my wife we ​​rented a cottage in a house made up of 2 separate apartments, swimming pool and a relaxation area with jacuzzi and sauna. The owners are a gay couple, an English in their fifties and a French in their thirties.One morning, my wife decides to go downtown to do the shopping, which doesn't really appeal to me, I decide to take a swimming pool, the other tenants having left to visit the region.After which strokes I go to the relaxation area to take a shower and plan to do a sauna.While see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, European, Married
I'm waiting for an appliance convenience store, I'm in a relaxed jog (with nothing underneath).the convenience store arrives dude in his thirties, I show him the device in question, he goes to work.During this time I sit in the living room on my pc and browse on a dating site.The troubleshooter comes telling me that the failure is repaired, and see the site in question and while smiling says to me well we flirt? I he replies that we must take care of it.I write the check for the invoice, and at this see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, European

hot bourgeois (Sex Story hetero)

Published by : stef77 the 09/01/2015 in the Straight erotic stories
One Sunday in July I am invited to a meal with friends, there are ten of us, among the guests is a BCBG woman whom I have already met, she is alone her husband and her children are already on vacation.She is dressed quite sexy with a rather short jeans dress closed by snaps and which reveals magnificent legs perched on heels.During the meal she sits next to me and from time to time I feel her thigh against mine. At the end of the afternoon she asks me if I can take her home, which I do not refuse see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Forty, European, Married