
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Julien realizes that it is his last day at the monastery. It's a little sad to leave the next morning. While he is in the garden hoeing a row of vegetables, brother Thomas joins him and whispers in his ear “this evening join me in my room after the meal and the shower” then he leaves the place without further notice explanation. Julien thinks that Brother Thomas wants to take advantage of him one last time and smiles at this idea. The day unfolds and meal time comes. Julien asks permission from see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Lesbians, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Threesomes
5 a.m., the monastery wakes up. Julien is still asleep when Brother Thomas comes knocking on his cell. No response, the monk insists by banging harder on the door. Julien sleeps soundly. Brother Thomas comes into the room and finds him still asleep. He calls him, shakes his shoulder but Julien doesn't react. The monk pulls the sheet to wake him up and discovers Julien's naked body. He can't help but look at this body and this sex as sleepy as the owner. Julien is sleeping soundly and a smile appears see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty
He looks right and left and starts. He knocks gently on the door. He waits a few seconds. His heart beats hard in his chest. After a few seconds of no response he hits again a little harder this time. He hears a "one moment" through the door. After a few seconds that seemed like minutes to him, he heard a “you can come in”. He turns the handle, opens the door and enters the cell. He keeps his head down and closes the door. Once the door is closed, he raises his head and undoes his veil. The nun, see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, First time
5 a.m. waking up, breakfast, Julien follows Brother Thomas to the convent and this time through the common passages. They arrive on the convent esplanade. Brother Thomas accompanies Julien to his stand and introduces him to his companion for the day, Sister Cécile. The nun, very shy, raises her head and greets Julien. He learns that she is 49 years old and has been in the convent for 20 years. Julien tells him that he is on a spiritual retreat. They discuss their respective lives while setting up see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy
Julien had trouble getting to sleep and thought about what had happened with Brother Thomas. He also thought of this pretty nonnette who had a very beautiful body and very beautiful assets. Julien still falls asleep quite late, so much so that when Brother Thomas came to wake him up he had the impression that he had just fallen asleep. The day goes by as usual. Mass, meditation, meals, reading, gardening routine. During the service, the father superior mentioned an open day to the public the next see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Submission/domination
Le 3eme et le 4eme jour se déroule comme les deux premiers. Julien fatigué par ses deux premières nuits mouvementées, s’est bien reposé d’autant que le frère Thomas était absent pendant ces 2 jours, il a pu en profiter pour récupérer. Le 5ème jour, il est réveillé par le frère Thomas, qui signe là son retour. Le moine lui annonce qu’aujourd’hui c’est le jour de la grand messe. Elle sera célébrée dans la basilique du couvent après le déjeuner. Pour ce matin, comme d’habitude see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, Submission/domination
Julien regagne sa chambre en toute discrétion. En passant devant la chambre du frère Thomas, il aperçoit de la lumière sous la porte de la cellule indiquant qu’il a fini sa mission. Il n’ose pas le déranger par pure timidité donc Il regagne sa chambre et ouvre sa cellule. La clé fait un peu de bruit dans la serrure. Au moment où il allait ouvrir, il entend celle du frère Thomas s’ouvrir. Ce dernier apparait dans la porte et semble questionner Julien du regard. Il balbutie un « j’étais see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Forty
Le lendemain, même rituel que la veille, debout 5h, repas, messe, lecture biblique, re repas, jardinage, re messe, re re repas et dodo. Toute la journée, Julien n’a cessé de repenser à ce moment passé avec le frère Thomas. Les souvenirs de cet acte nouveau pour lui, la texture douce de ce sexe d’homme, son gout, sa rigidité associée à sa chaleur. Julien n’en revient pas d’avoir fait cela et ne s’attendait pas à autant de plaisir ressenti. Il est tout excité à chaque fois qu’il see the rest
Keywords : Lesbians, Masturbation, Vaginal penetration, Teens, First time, Submission/domination
The journey is relatively silent, the monk is not very talkative. After an hour's drive, they arrive at the monastery. An old and large building resembling a fortified castle, surrounded by large walls, located at the top of a hill. Another large building located at the bottom of the Coline houses a convent according to the explanations of Brother THOMAS. The monk leads Julien to his room, a poorly lit room, containing only a single bed, a small wardrobe, a bedside table, a desk and a chair. Brother see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Forty, First time
Cette histoire est le pur fruit de mon imagination. Toute ressemblance avec des personnes ou des faits seraient purement fortuite et ne pourrait être que le fruit d’une pure coïncidence lollll…..Julien, la quarantaine, cadre dynamique dans une multinationale, grand, brun, les tempes grisonnantes, un physique entretenu dans les salles de sport de sa grande ville mais sans exagération, n’est pas heureux dans sa vie. Une séparation conjugale récente et douloureuse, une pression professionnelle see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty