Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories
Cette histoire est totalement fictive.Je roulais déjà depuis un bon bout de temps mais aucune nécessité d'aller trop vite car le client ou je devais charger le lendemain, ouvrait a 8h00.Je décidais de faire comme d'habitude, me rapprocher au maximum et passer la nuit a proximité. J'avais encore des provisions au frigo et j'avais pris ma douche hier soir au routier.Le réveil sonna, quelle surprise de voir le temps qu'il faisait en tirant les rideaux, le ciel était gris et il pleuvait, vraiment see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Blow job, Mature, At work
It was a few years ago now, I was 17 and my friend Benoît was also 17. So we were the same age, in addition to being best friends. We did almost everything together, outings, relaxation but also evenings, some of which were, let's say, euphoric.At the time I was really straight, I chased girls and Benoît too. There was one evening when some Parisian women came on vacation, we met them during a day in the city. There were 3 of them. We spent the evening together where kisses and caresses followed, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, First time