
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Aujourd'hui je n'avais rien de prévu en particulier car j'espérais qu'un de mes contacts habituel me prévienne si il arrivait à se rendre disponible pour qu'on passe ensemble un bon moment.Il a une très bonne queue comme je les aime. J'adore le sucer, la prendre bien au fond de ma gorge jusqu'aux couilles.Alors que je n'y croyais plus je reçois un message de sa part par le biais du site pour me dire qu'il était disponible et que donc nous pourrions nous voir.Je cours donc dans ma salle de see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy
Ce matin étant plutôt je me suis arrêté à l'aire de Chaberte pour voir si j'aurais la chance de croiser quelqu'un.Je me gare et je me dirige vers le petit bois. Je marche tranquillement quand je croise un homme d'une soixantaine d'années. Comme je vous l'ai déjà dit je ne m'attache pas à un physique ou à un âge il suffit que le courant passe bien et je peux être soit actif ou passif c'est selon la personne qui se trouve en face de moi.On discute un peu pour savoir ce que l'on recherche see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Married
This morning, as I had announced on this site, I went to the Chaberte area to have a little fun before going to work. And frankly once again I was not disappointed.I met three beautiful cocks, very different but also good to suck. I don't have any particular preference when it comes to tails. But I must admit that at least once I would like to suck a very big black cock with very full balls, but then I digress. ; But back to our story. I arrive and park. I immediately go to the little wood and I see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Forty, Mature
This morning I stopped as elsewhere every morning at my favorite area, the Chaberte area not to name it.I park and there I see a man in his fifties, bearded who goes to the toilet but I decide in; first of all to go and see on the side of the small path if a cock is not available.Not meeting anyone I decided to turn back and head for the toilet because I had a little pressing desire. I relieve myself and notice my handsome stranger who passes behind me goes to the cabinets and leaves the door open.I see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Mature
Today was truly a day to mark with a white cross. Friday had already been an exceptional day but then today was how to say magic !!!!!Why magic would you tell me, simply because I sucked three sublime cocks. I had never seen such beautiful cocks. I behaved like a real bitch who loves cock.This day had started well because I stopped at the rest area of ​​La Chaberte. As soon as I arrived I parked but there was no one there so I waited a bit. A 4X4 arrived and then parked. A man in his fifties see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Mature
Friday morning being a little early, I decided to stop at the Chabrette rest area near Toulon to see if I could have a little fun. I park and go to the back of the rest area, pass the fence and take the small path. In the distance I see a middle-aged man smoking his cigarette. I wait for him to finish while looking at him from head to toe. White hair, well trimmed beard and he presents well. Before asking him if he wants us to have a little fun, I make a movie in my head because I really like this see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Blow job, Forty, Mature