
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Bonjour à tousCette histoire remonte à plusieurs années ,avec un couple candauliste .Ce sont avant tout des amies de longue date avec lesquelles une très grande intimité c’est installé.Tout débute par une question de Miriame (a tu déjà trompé ta femme ?)un peu décontenancée je réfléchis en un instant et lui répond simplement sur le ton de la rigolade que si je le faisais j’aimerais que ce soit avec elle tout cela devant son mec qui a son tour me dit crûment qu’il aimerait see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Teens, First time, Odors, European, Married, Threesomes

Trio on holiday bi (Sex Story gay)

Published by : Nicko41 the 17/02/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
Hello everyone, thank you for noting my stories published It all starts during a vacation with a couple of friends in Ardèche I am there a totally isolated land along a large river where I camp ⛺️, we we arrive early in the morning and set up camp, it is already hot in this beautiful month of August, after a few hours of work we are sweating and dripping we decide to go for a swim, Ariane sets the tone, taking off her t-shirt, here she is! naked and bernuda that she quickly removes her see the rest
Keywords : Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, European, Threesomes

With family (Sex Story bisexuel)

Published by : Nicko41 the 17/11/2020 in the Bisexual erotic stories
This story takes place in the 90s, I live in the center and I go regularly to the Paris region, when I go upstairs I go to my brother-in-law and his wife. I arrive around 7 p.m., a small aperitif and we sit at the table we discuss things and others and the conversation turns to sex. I speak openly about my bi sexuality, which titillates Madame and makes the bof nervous (J 'learn later that he had spoken with his wife about wanting to try with a man). That's when his wife see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, European, Married, Threesomes
Hello everyone By an afternoon when I was in Blois, a mad desire for sex invaded me, I had to fulfill this desire and this big drive. So I take the direction of the store (sex chop) and ten minutes later, I arrive in the parking lot, several cars are parked there, there are people, I get out of my car when a couple comes out. Too bad they may have been at the cinema, I go home and say hello to the boss, I adjust my entrance and head for the cinema, a few minutes of adaptation to the dark and I calm see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, European, Married, Threesomes