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Publié par : uokaj51 le 14/08/2022

I was barely 20 years old, I still lived in Paris and I took advantage of life, especially when it came to my encounters. Having multiple “friends” didn't bother me, quite the contrary. As I don't know who said, we have all of life to have fun and all of death to rest LOL...So, I had met François, a charming man twice my age in a gay sauna in the capital, and we got used to seeing each other regularly. It's true that everything about him was attractive, from head to toe and what you know. We even became almost lovers (of course not faithful to me). He worked in catering and cooked well, it was a treat the meals he prepared for me. He was not gay but bi and asked me for discretion, which I gladly respected. He was telling me about his brother who didn't like PDs and didn't want to come into conflict with them for that. One evening I went to a cafe for a bite to eat before going home. The cafe was crowded but I I still found a seat to enjoy a "dry butter" and a beer. A man arrived in front of my table and asked me if he could take a seat to be seated and have something to eat. I gladly accepted his request. During the small meal we got to know each other and discussed everything and nothing. He seemed receptive to conversation and on the plus side he was handsome. Between 40 and 50 years old I think, at least 1m90 and rather hefty. It contrasted with me, who was thin and rather effeminate at the time. We actually hit it off and Régis (his first name) invited me to have a drink in a quieter place. I accepted with no problem. We were in the 4th arrondissement and we went to a bar and had a beer each. A man arrived in front of my table and asked me if he could take a seat to be seated and have something to eat. I gladly accepted his request. During the small meal we got to know each other and discussed everything and nothing. He seemed receptive to conversation and on the plus side he was handsome. Between 40 and 50 years old I think, at least 1m90 and rather hefty. It contrasted with me, who was thin and rather effeminate at the time. We actually hit it off and Régis (his first name) invited me to have a drink in a quieter place. I accepted with no problem. We were in the 4th arrondissement and we went to a bar and had a beer each. A man arrived in front of my table and asked me if he could take a seat to be seated and have something to eat. I gladly accepted his request. During the small meal we got to know each other and discussed everything and nothing. He seemed receptive to conversation and on the plus side he was handsome. Between 40 and 50 years old I think, at least 1m90 and rather hefty. It contrasted with me, who was thin and rather effeminate at the time. We actually hit it off and Régis (his first name) invited me to have a drink in a quieter place. I accepted with no problem. We were in the 4th arrondissement and we went to a bar and had a beer each. gladly accepted his request. During the small meal we got to know each other and discussed everything and nothing. He seemed receptive to conversation and on the plus side he was handsome. Between 40 and 50 years old I think, at least 1m90 and rather hefty. It contrasted with me, who was thin and rather effeminate at the time. We actually hit it off and Régis (his first name) invited me to have a drink in a quieter place. I accepted with no problem. We were in the 4th arrondissement and we went to a bar and had a beer each. gladly accepted his request. During the small meal we got to know each other and discussed everything and nothing. He seemed receptive to conversation and on the plus side he was handsome. Between 40 and 50 years old I think, at least 1m90 and rather hefty. It contrasted with me, who was thin and rather effeminate at the time. We actually hit it off and Régis (his first name) invited me to have a drink in a quieter place. I accepted with no problem. We were in the 4th arrondissement and we went to a bar and had a beer each. It contrasted with me, who was thin and rather effeminate at the time. We actually hit it off and Régis (his first name) invited me to have a drink in a quieter place. I accepted with no problem. We were in the 4th arrondissement and we went to a bar and had a beer each. It contrasted with me, who was thin and rather effeminate at the time. We actually hit it off and Régis (his first name) invited me to have a drink in a quieter place. I accepted with no problem. We were in the 4th arrondissement and we went to a bar and had a beer each.We continued the thread of the discussion and I found Régis very pleasant. Personally I would have done my "four hours" LOL, but not knowing his sexual orientation, I preferred to take advantage of this nice contact (I'm not just obsessed lol....). The café where we were was a little-known meeting place for homosexuals, without being dedicated to that. I had already dredged there, moreover the server an acquaintance said good evening to me which left no doubt about our previous meetings. I was a little embarrassed by Régis who had noticed the server's particular familiarity with me. Régis laughed and said to me, taking my hand directly, "I see that you're gay, and you're taking me to a meeting place." I I was surprised because he held my hand very tightly and his eyes said a lot about his desires. He confessed to me that he liked men and women and that my slightly effeminate side was more to him (yes, I'm a fag and I'm proud of it). I left my chair to sit next to him and hug him and enjoy a few hugs. In short I was melting and a few shy kisses were exchanged. I saw the waiter crack a smile and wink at me. We weren't going to stop there and he suggested that I come to his house, of course I accepted I was starting to have the “c..” on fire and I guess he was excited. he liked men and women and that my somewhat effeminate side made him more happy (yes, I'm a sissy and I'm proud of it). I left my chair to sit next to him and hug him and enjoy a few hugs. In short I was melting and a few shy kisses were exchanged. I saw the waiter crack a smile and wink at me. We weren't going to stop there and he suggested that I come to his house, of course I acce ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Threesomes