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Education V - First Sale Part 4

Publié par : eerica le 19/08/2019

I had screamed, I was crying, I was in despair. He went to position himself next to me and put the stick right on the top of my buttocks, then I received a blow, firm, painful, a cry escaped me. The stick landed a little lower and another blow landed, harder. I was breathing, it was painful, the stick was placed in the middle of my buttocks where I received a stronger blow than the other two, I was screaming, I was asking for mercy, I was screaming at him that I was going to do all the deep throats that he wanted ! Nothing helped, a fourth blow was applied! Then that bastard positioned himself in front of me again. His cock erect, easy to want, but I had to succeed! I opened my mouth and rushed over, ignoring the embarrassment I pushed my lips went to the bottom of his penis, I held my breath, a swallowing reflex came on that made me cough, I stayed in position, the saliva and bile were coming out of my mouth. - That's good, that's how a good whore should take a dick! nothing like a stick to train a good female dog! The bastard finally withdrew, I could catch my breath. the allusion to the stick to train a good female dog brought me back to my master's phrase telling me that I needed blows to be trained. - I think our cat has just passed a stage, gentlemen, it deserves some applause, encourage the good blood! I recognized the voice of the host, while they started to applaud, he raised my head and presented his cock in front of his mouth, I took it to the bottom and the applause redoubled, I started to cry with his cock in the back of my throat, tears, saliva and bile were now mingling on my face.- Great, gentlemen our toy is starting to be ready, I invite you all to come and serve yourself generously! I sucked the rib well then the cocks followed one another in my mouth while some had resumed caresses, I was constantly fingered, I was excited, hungry for these cocks, each more beautiful than the other, alas after sucking four or five cocks my jaw was sore with fatigue and I had to just hold my mouth open while the men helped themselves. I thought I had passed almost all the men when a particularly large black cock appeared in front of my mouth. It was by far the biggest and longest cock I had ever seen. I thought back to the black god, this tail was not far behind. I realized that silence had returned. Everyone had to watch. I started by licking, which had the advantage of resting my jaw, but I knew that at some point I would have to take the huge glans in my mouth. I began by licking it well, sucking it, I advanced and I managed to get it into my mouth. My head was blocked by the man's hands. The huge cock hadn't even touched my tonsils. I was suckling this glans with my mouth wide open.- But what a glutton! She's the most amorous cat I've ever seen!The men laugh. The host intervenes. Gentlemen, the clock is ticking! now it's time for us to cover the sow in order to get everything we want from her! To your tools!I felt that I fingered, I began to moan.- Come on slut, announce the color - I want your cock - Really - Ho yes, please.I felt someone enter me and start fucking me - Oh thank you, thank you sir - Good sow, you're going to drink all of our cum - Oh yes pleaseCocks were presented to my hands, I shook them, I moaned, I was in heaven. I was presented with the soft, long dildo, I took it in my mouth, the material was soft, it was crushing. - do you want it in the ass? - yes please. - I felt the dildo pushed into my ass? as it crashed it passed through the entrance without a problem, but resuming its shape once past the anus, it gave me a delicious feeling of filling, and soon under the pressure an intense but so good desire to shit took hold of me. I moaned with pleasure... Strikes of the whip fell on my back. I saw that the candles had been lit, I was afraid I cried. It's the black guy with the big cock who came in front of me and asked me to suck him. I took his cock in my mouth, I felt the whip on my feet, a burn in the small of my back told me that the hot wax was flowing there, the black man started slapping me on both cheeks, someone was playing with the end of the soft dildo, which intensified the sensation. The black man asked me if I liked being full, I told him yes, that I wanted his big cock- repeats the strongest!- I want to be fucked by your big cock I felt the dildo being removed, then my ass was greased, someone introduced their fingers ordering me to give myself, which I did the best I could I could, the blows kept falling, I was pres ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, BDSM, European, Maghrebin, Black, Threesomes