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End of confinement

Publié par : bibrioude le 02/06/2020

Like many here I think the confinement has created a lack of sex a lot. Me personally stay two me confined to the house without my dose of box to suck my dose of sperm and especially feel a beautiful stiff member in me I missed me greatly. There were the handjobs the god but that's not enough and I think a lot of guys we are in the same situation as me and understand me that's why at the deadline I said you have to let go and quickly find a cock see several to be able to satisfy your longing craving.Walk on several sites to be able to optimize the chances, a lot of guys are like me so easy to find. I book appointments with two guys at different times and appointments not very far from each other to be able to honor both. At the time of the first nature plan meeting of course but we are lucky it is a magnificent sun I see a car park when arriving, great he is there I park and sink into the small woods shelters from prying eyes he is There he waits for me naked with a semi-erect tail, I approach him, he looks at me and tells me, come on, bitch on her knees, suck me. I do not pray and find myself on my knees in front of a beautiful cock already of good size a few licks on the glans on the balls he takes my head and pushes it deep in my throat. The surprise is that I choke on it I take it out it is full of my drool I start to suck by making my mouth come and go on this shaft it grows I love it. I am a little frustrated with my first ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy