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European Road Heritage Weekend

Publié par : pourroutier38 le 27/09/2020

Once again thank you for your feedback in MP on my stories as well as your notes. These, of which I have the details, allow me in turn to discover your profiles, your stories and who knows how to write our next common story!   As always this story is fully lived and transcribed as it is without any imagined additions. Sunday 09/20/20 rainy heritage day, the planned visits are canceled COVID forces and I hang out on the site chatting with a few friends a little too far away for a hug ;-(.  New message, it's Amir, an Arab friend more straight than bi, in his early thirties, cut like a Greek god, delivery man by day, vigil at night (don't ask me when he sleeps I ask myself the same question !!: - )). We see each other quite regularly, not when he wants to otherwise it would be daily as the boy is valiant but especially when he has a quarter of an hour in his schedule, he knows that mine, hole (well this one was easy but it makes me laugh! ;-))) is always available for him! So I know automatically that my evening will be full! :-) Amir is one of the few guys I don't use a condom with, he's in a relationship and I know I'm his only extra, -)  Appointment is therefore fixed half an hour later in a small isolated wood. The storyline has been the same for years, but it still excites me just as much! He wears his vigilante outfit, I love it !! Black cargo pants with side pockets and plenty of well-placed reinforcements! (buttocks, crotch, humm! knees I don't care, it's less my trip :-)) safety shoes, black polo shirt, badge and stuff that makes noise to stop the bad guys on the belt :-)) )  He unbuttoned his pants, he wears nothing underneath, and as usual he already has a hard-on like crazy! A beautiful tail, circumcised, not excessively long but wide (a bit like mine when you think about it!) A pretty mushroom! I start by licking his balls which are firm and fleshy, goes up along this pretty protruding vein, stops on this mushroom hat goes down on its brake before swallowing it completely. My hands caress his buttocks which he has hairy and firm while his penis and his chest are shaved to please Madame :-( "You want to eat my ass?" "Yes of course!" Well yes when it is clean and if in addition, as is the case here I know that I am the only one to put my tongue in it, I totally love it! opens his privacy to which only I have access! My tongue goes in and out of its rosette, I imagine that one day, when he grows up, he too will try other male pleasures! He turns around, turns me around in order to present my buttocks to him, still in the hussar Amir penetrates me without preamble :-)) I moan while thinking that she is bigger than in my memory but ten seconds later I am totally slutty asking him to hammer me harder! His hands are on my hips that he grips firmly but without tearing your skin like some, a soft firmness. Well the man is young, fiery, excited, healthy and pressed for time and the act never lasts long enough for my taste! I feel his pace pick up, I band hard and masturbate to the rhythm of his thrusts. He pounded me, filled me, just enough time for me to cum in thick jets. Sexually sated, satisfied and full of Amir's semen I think back to our antics on the way home when I see, by the roadside, along a wood, a Czech truck parked, the driver at the window Me, it seems to me, followed with his gaze (another discomfort of age we have the sight which decreases! :-))   Curiosity and excitement taking over reason I turn around and park behind him. I roll down my window and pretend to check my phone while keeping an eye on her door and the space between the truck and the wood.  A quarter of an hour goes by so I decide to leave and while passing in front of his cabin I can clearly see him ogling me! A U-turn later I am parked behind him again, luckily no other vehicle has stung the place yet the traffic is heavy, a lot of 69 (I'm talking about the license plate number and not the position!)!  This time, I didn't have to wait to see him come out, stocky, in his forties, round face, short hair, light eyes, beefy rather than big, short tee shirt and the fashion note of thongs and socks :-)) A the occasion I will have to ask what are these small closed boxes that the truck drivers control, or rather pretend to control to give themselves a capacity when in fact they want to watch you (it's recurring they all do that: - )) he walks towards me, ostensibly I watch videos from the site with my hand in my fly (Personal message, yes David I'm progressing but I did not dare take out all the paraphernalia myself! :-))) he passes the long of my car throws an invisible object in the trash can then passes by again with that gaze always on the side. While I thought that he was going to go on the passenger side along the forest he goes up on the driver's side! Why keep it simple too !! I then see the cabin moving, I think of a gust of wind but the trees are fixed while the cabin is really moving! I deduce that he goes on the passenger side (erratum he is strong but probably a little chubby too to move his cabin!). He comes out on the passenger side, controls another small box, puts his right leg square against his tire and pretends to urinate. The position is original and gives me a breathtaking view of his little gear (sorry yes for fans of big kikis! But I warned everything is true !!). Absorbed by my Slav acrobat, I didn't notice the truck parked 5 meters behind me! Shit that could seriously compromise my discretion. The parking lot being in curve the Slave from there where he was did not see the French truck and conversely on the other hand I saw and I was in full ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, European, Maghrebin, Married