Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories
Cette histoire réelle s'est déroulée il y a trois ans. J'ai rencontré Luc, quelques mois auparavant. Il avait répondu à mon annonce (je cherchais un mec actif pour une relation régulière). Il est en couple, comme moi. Nous trouvions des créneaux pour nos rdv coquins. Cela se fait soit dans sa voiture dans un coin tranquille, soit dans ma boutique ou cela nous est, aussi, arrivé à la piscine (expérience excitante!!).Pendant les vacances de février, il m'envoie un sms : « Normalement,
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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, At work
I was 19, and I felt a guy's cock for the first time, between my butt. An evening was taking place at a friend's house. The couple of friends, who were to take me home, could no longer do so. So the friend suggests that I sleep there; it happened to me from time to time. His best friend would stay too, it was decided that he would sleep on a small mattress on the floor. My buddy and I will share the big bed. No worries, I had no ambiguous ulterior motives (I wouldn't have believed that my friend
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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Teens, First time
This (real) story took place some time ago. I met a guy my age, a couple like me. So we could not receive each other at each other. We would sometimes meet in his car or at my workplace. But the places weren't too practical. One day he offered to join him in his office. He works in an administration. The majority of his colleagues were on vacation. So an appointment is made one early morning, we go upstairs, and we lock ourselves in the room he usually shares with 2 other people.We were excited and
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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Married, At work
Cette histoire a eu lieu il quelques semaines. Un soir, ne trouvant pas de contacts disponibles sur notre site préféré, je décidais de tenter ma chance sur des aires de repos prés de chez moi. Arrivé sur place, j'étais un peu inquiet (il commençait à faire nuit); je ne m'étais jamais rendu de nuit sur un lieu de drague. Une voiture sur un coté du parking et 2/ 3 camions de l'autre. Je sors de la voiture et direction les toilettes. Je reste quelques instants sur place. Le conducteur de
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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy