
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Un soir a l hotel dans une ville etrangere pour le travail, je decide de me ballader. En face de l hotel, des wc publics. J y vais en esperant. Je tombe sur un caissier. MINCE.Je ne fais pas demi tour trop flag. Je paye 50 centimes. Je marche le long de ce couloir avec des toilettes des 2 cotes.J arrive aux urinoirs. Du monde beaucoup de va et viens mais rien à matter ou autre.Je sors et je me dirige dans un bar a proximité. Je m'installe au comptoir. Une biere puis 2. Un match de foot internationnal see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay

My first time (Sex Story gay)

Published by : tisar the 11/01/2023 in the Gay erotic stories
Young, 17 years old at the time, I had a big desire for sex. I was still a virgin. My fantasy to be deflowered by a mature woman and I would like to get sucked off.It's true that I've often thought about meeting a man. We suck each other off. How does it feel to feel a penis growing in your mouth?My first time was unplanned and it happened with a man.I'm in a mall, I'm going to the bathroom. I fantasize about the little words written in the cabins, there are appointments made and telephone numbers.I see the rest
Keywords : Ados, Mature, First time