
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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My neighbors son 4 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : seb91mer the 18/05/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
Thank you for all the messages It's Wednesday and As expected with Luc I'm in my naked garden and the heat of this day has heated up my swimming pool. I text Luc to say I'm in the garden. I go into the water and sincerely the water is at the right temperature. I see Luc and Matéo arriving, they are both in shorts.- Hello Sebastian, how are you?- yes hello and you?- Is the water good?- yes excellent you want to come and swim?Luc asks Matéo and Matéo replies that it would be cool.I come out of see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, Teens, Forty

My neighbors son 3 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : seb91mer the 10/05/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
The weather is nice right now, it's very nice and I was in my garden cleaning the pool and my neighbor is coming out shirtless and in shorts. We discuss the good weather and small talk. He is a really handsome man with a beautiful, well-drawn and fairly muscular body, very little hair, in short, a dream body. I understand Mateo who fantasizes about his father. I continue by telling him to clean the swimming pool. And the neighbor (Luc) asks me if the swimming pool is not too expensive to maintain. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation
Mateo passe souvent me voir quand je suis de repos et que ses parents sont au travail. Un matin mateo sonne je vais lui ouvrir et on s embrasse. Il.commence a me retirer mon t-shirt et me baisse mon slip. Je bande déjà à fond. Mateo descend sur ma queue bandée et me l avale comme un gourmand. Je lui dit d y aller doucement et je le relève on s embrasse encore je.commence a le déshabiller en lui enlevant son t-shirt je leche ses tétons qui sont très sensibles et je dégrafe son jeans qui tombe. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens

My neighbors son (Sex Story gay)

Published by : seb91mer the 27/04/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
The story I am going to tell you is true of course and it happened last week.I'm new to my village and everyone knows I'm gay. I have very nice neighbors and they have a very shy 19-year-old son who doesn't talk much.They often happen to us to discuss in our adjoining gardens.Last week Matéo came to see me at home.Hello seb how are you?Hello Mateo well and you? Do you need anything?.Yes and no I would like to talk to you about something that I dare not ask my parents.Yes come in, we're going to see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens
" thank you. for your messages but at the moment it's quiet on the sex side and too much work # one evening I look on a gay site if I can find my happiness I scroll through the profiles around my home I select a few and I continue to look when suddenly I see a profile where the guy shows himself without his face but I recognize a tattoo. This tattoo is the same as that of a colleague I send him a message and within 5 minutes he replies Hi Hi What are you looking for He replies that he wants a suck see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, First time, Married, At work
I arrived in my new house 2 years ago and I know someone from the village A small village where there is no trade and one morning I go to town to get cigarettes and do some shopping. I leave the village and I see a guy hitchhiking. I stop, he tells me he's going to town. Ok go upstairs I'll go too.We talk and he tells me he lives in the village.Ah me too for 2 years.Oh good or that?The.house.on.the bend.Yes, I know it well. I did some work there with the previous owner.Well now you won't recognize see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, First time
L autre jour j ouvre ma boite aux lettres vers 12 heures et je vois un petit mot dedans me disant " je reviens vers 17 heures " sans rien d autre.Étonné je cherche qui a pu me mettre le mot mais je ne trouve pas. J attendais personne ce jour là.La journée se passe dans le questionnements et les heures étaient bien longues. 17 heures arrive mais personne. J attend quand même et vers 17h30 j entend un coup de klaxon je regarde vite fait a la fenêtre mais je vois rien. Je retourne sur ma terrasse see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Uro/Scat
We taste our beer and fred feels good and he tells me so. I'm glad he wants to stay. He always has his boxers and I always naked.Are we going to do it in the jacuzzi seb?Yes ok come on let's go but wait I'll take your boxers off.Go make yourself happy.I start to grab his boxers and I lower him slowly I see the birth of his smooth cock and I continue to slowly lower him.You are a little rascal lol.Lol yes let me do it.J arrives at the height of his penis which resists the tissue and finally his cock see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens
After the shower we dry off and we go back to the terrace fred band plus and his smooth cock seems bigger. He lies down on the Transat.How are you fred?Yes seb thank you it makes me feel funny to see my cock all smooth and soft.Yes, I like to be shaved too.Seb are you gay?Yes but don't worry I won't jump on you I know how to behave lol Oh no I don't worry I have a gay friend and everything is going well with him.Have you ever done anything with him?No nothing even if we see each other naked in the see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Sodomy, Teens, First time

18 gros colis (Sex Story gay)

Published by : seb91mer the 25/08/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
J attends une grosse livraison de meubles en tout 18 colis. Comme d habitude la fourchette de livraison est large 8h 20h. Je me lève de bonne heure et après ma douche j attends le livreur. Vers midi pas de livreur je me décide d appeler la plate forme et le gars très sympa me dit que ma livraison est au fond du camion et que je serais livré en fin de tournée mais sans m en dire plus.Pas grave je prépare l endroit où mettre les colis et j attends tranquillement sur ma terrasse ensoleillée. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Teens, First time, At work