
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Suite à des travaux chez moi, j'ai besoin d'un outil particulier et je sais que Vince a cet outil dans un local de stockage où je n'ai pas accès.Je l'appelle pour voir avec lui si je peux emprunter cet outil.- Salut Vince, j'ai besoin d'un outil que tu as dans ton local. Je ne me rappelle plus le nom mais je sais qu'il est quelques part chez toi.- Salut, pas de souci. Je suis au bureau pour le moment. On peut se retrouver à 13h30 devant mon local si tu veux.Il ne peut donc pas parler librement... see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Trav, At work, Threesomes

Between colleagues (Sex Story gay)

Published by : prenezmoi the 10/06/2024 in the Gay erotic stories
Recently, I discovered that a colleague was bi-active and that he was looking for a passive to relieve him. I have access to a small, quiet room on our site and so I asked him to join me there during his lunch break. Before he arrived, I dressed as a woman: tight mini-dress, sexy stockings, string thong, pumps and wig and I waited for his visit on all fours on an armchair, rump stretched. He arrived at the agreed time and I was immediately able to enjoy the beautiful cock that I had seen in photos see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Black, Trav, At work, Threesomes