
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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I'll tell you about a train experience from when I was a student: I was 20, studying in the North and going back to my parents' house (and especially to see my girlfriend at the time) one weekend a month. I took a Paris-Limoges train late on Friday evening, in a compartment car (it dates back to... the 80s) - the people present had agreed to turn off the compartment light to doze off - there was a young couple who were making out without any embarrassment (and the guy had his hands full while he see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens
I work in La Défense, and am used to going for laps at least once a week at lunchtime at the Courbevoie swimming pool located on Place Charras, like many other employees who work in the towers of the business district. . I had noticed several times that in some changing cabins, a small hole corresponding to a missing rivet in the wooden partition allowed a trained eye to look at what was happening on the other side (at a fairly judicious height) , but the few cabins presenting this particularity see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sport
Cela remonte à la fin des années 70, je suis au lycée Gay Lussac à Limoges (lycée au centre de la ville pour ceux qui connaissent), et, dans le cadre de mes trajets quotidiens pour me rendre en cours, il me plait, allez savoir pourquoi, de traverser le parking sous-terrain de la place de la République, plutôt que de traverser la place du même nom qui se situe au-dessus de ce parking.Un jour, pris d’une envie pressante, et étant en avance pour le lycée, je décide d’aller aux toilettes see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, First time, Studies
Les vacances sont là … cette année destination l’ile d’Oléron avec ma femme et mon fils.Les vacances …. et mes envies de plaisirs coupables qui se font plus présentes en ces périodes de repos.Un petit tour sur mon site favori « lieux de drague » pour m’informer un peu sur les lieux à fréquenter sur cette belle île : des plages naturistes qui semblent prometteuses, surtout si on se promène dans les pinèdes derrière la plage … la chose est tentante … ah ! mes vieux démons see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Mature, Married