
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Régis spoke to Antoine: "Go ahead, you have the honor of going first on this bitch, you're the organizer and that's normal." Fuck her well and indulge yourself. Don't spare it and have fun. It is happiness to let go of a bitch like this! With these words of encouragement, Antoine took my ass between his large hands whose fingers violently whipped the buttocks to make them blush to put me in position. He copiously coated my line and my round of heating cream, my erogenous zones were hot. I was in see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Fetish, European, Trav, transsexual, Threesomes
I hasten to share with you an experience I lived in mid-September which will remain marked in my mind. Exciting and enjoyable experience that I would like to achieve again.The gentleman who contacted me on this site was very interested in my profile. After several exchanges of messages to let me know his intentions and what he expected from me, Antoine suggested that I come to his hunting lodge to cook and serve meals because he was planning to organize a small party for his friends. hunters for see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Fetish, European, Trav, transsexual, Threesomes

Van fuck (Sex Story gay)

Published by : melody the 02/09/2021 in the Gay erotic stories
Not far from Lille, in the large car park guarded at the entrance by two mills whose wings have not turned for a long time, I headed for my usual location. This handsome, athletic and slender man was there. He usually came late Friday afternoon to park his van in front of the main access. He had recently fitted out his utility in order to have a comfortable space for our naughty plans. This man whom I saw regularly found me very much to his liking. As agreed, he turned on his hazard lights signaling see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Fetish, European, Trav, transsexual
By this beautiful sunny day, I took the direction of Brussels to join a friend whom I had met in the social and delirious evenings of the Paris region. I was on the highway, luck would have it that I stop at the height of a truck cabin following slowdowns and sometimes even stops due to traffic jams. The driver, attracted by my outfit and my exhibitionism, always managed to stop near my car to wave to me. I answered him with naughty little smiles. I provoked it by running my hand through my bra, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Fetish, European, Trav, transsexual, Threesomes
Many of you on this site have asked me for information about me, so here is complete information on my practices and preferences and I take full responsibility for the content.WHO I AM ? : MY DESCRIPTION: My name is Melody, I am a Trav / Trans, 50 years old, measurements: 1.75 / 76 kg, Lille region (North).Good little female 100% passive, credible. I became "a lope" very early on and I took a liking to it, I am now a woman in my head and in my body, it is my great passion, and I like to show it. see the rest
Keywords : Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Fetish, BDSM, European, Maghrebin, Black, Trav, transsexual, Threesomes
L’intérieur du camping-car grand standing, bien aménagé, spacieux, était idéal pour la scène qui allait s’y passer.Nous commencions a discuter en sirotant une boisson, et tout en finissant leur collation les deux compères se déshabillèrent pour se retrouver complètement nus. Le plus grand avait le torse et le ventre très poilu. Ils vinrent s’assoir de chaque côté de moi sur la grande banquette. Leurs regards étaient attirés par mes croisements de jambes répétés. leurs mains see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, European, Trav, Threesomes
Je me décide enfin de raconter pendant que ceci est encore frais dans ma tête, une aventure que j’ai vécue cette semaine. J'avais très envie d'être abusée par un homme. Prête à tout, je m'étais bien préparée, épilée, habillée très sexy, aguichante et provocante, bien maquillée, pour être la plus crédible possible. Je me déplace toujours ainsi vêtue, totalement en nana pour attirer les regards des hommes, et trouver ainsi quelques étalons fougueux et entreprenants. Je see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, European, Trav, Threesomes

Des routiers organisés (Sex Story gay)

Published by : melody the 06/09/2017 in the Gay erotic stories
Aujourd'hui samedi, de repos, tranquillement en train de m'épiler entièrement, je décidais de m'occuper du bien être de mon corps et d'essayer quelques nouveaux maquillages, Soudain mon portable sonna, la voix imposante de Martial retentit et je n'ai eu nul besoin de coller l'appareil aux oreilles, Martial est un antillais sportif, pas un gramme de trop, travaillant dans la région comme transporteur, je l'ai rencontré sur Paris, et il m'a tout de suite dressée aux plaisirs de la soumission see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, Fetish, Black, Trav, Threesomes
Avant de vous exposer mon histoire, je tiens à vous donner quelques précisions sur mon anatomie,"Dame nature" m'a doté d'un sexe minuscule, comparable si on le regarde bien, à un clitoris, je ne bande jamais. De même, mes testicules ne pendent pas, Ce qui me donne un entre-jambes presque féminin,Il manque juste les lèvres génitales, mais mon corps bien dessiné, et ma poitrine un peu développée me donnent une allure efféminée, C'est pour ça que je me travlotte, A mon adolescence, cette see the rest
Keywords : Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, European, Black, Trav, Threesomes

Une rencontre insolite (Sex Story gay)

Published by : melody the 30/09/2016 in the Gay erotic stories
J'étais bien loin de me douter qu'une telle aventure allait m'arrivé Il ya une quinzaine de jours en fin d'après-midi, lorsque je décidais pour la première fois, et j'en avais très envie, de prendre la route pour rejoindre une aire de repos sur l'autoroute connue entre Tournai et Mons, J'aime porter des vêtements et dessous féminins sexy et provocants, car je suis fétichiste, aussi je me déplace uniquement en femelle aguichante et insatiable, je m'étais préparée et je portais un soin see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination, Fetish, European, , Threesomes