
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Il fait chaud dans la back room du sauna en ce mois de Novembre. Des gros, des vieux, des blancs, des noirs, des rebeux et quelques jeunes vont et viennent, la queue dure ou molle. C’est selon. Le hasard en somme. Plutôt que d’amour, il faudrait parler de sexe, même si parfois, le sexe débouche sur un sentiment qui pourrait être un lointain cousin de l’amour, tant ce terme ne signifie à vrai dire plus rien, depuis que 3 milliards de Facebookers sont sommés d’aimer le fromage de chèvre see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Mature, Threesomes
Nous sommes en Juin 2021. Le confinement vient de se terminer pour de bon et les saunas ont enfin rouvert. Je suis de passage à Bordeaux et vais au sympathique sauna de l’avenue Thiers. A peine installé dans le jacuzzi, je remarque un joli blondinet d’une vingtaine d’années et le regarde à la dérobée. Il m’ignore ostensiblement puis sors peu après, le sexe mou comme une chique. Jusque-là, rien que de très normal. Le temps s’étire, le chou ne transpire pas contrairement à ce que see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, Teens, Mature, European, Threesomes
Good evening Micha, your letter this evening touched my heart. I love this letter-writing relationship even though I would love to hug you, kiss you, hug you, etc. I am very happy to see you again. I will make a comment on one of the photos you sent me where you are, I believe in St Petersburg on the banks of the Neva. I see a handsome young man watching the sunset. His face is in profile. These are two hands that rest on her delicate thighs. He looks into the distance, his gaze a little lost in see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Teens, Mature, European
To Djamel Your brown skin Your eyes sometimes hard, sometimes languid Your belly a little round Your muscular shoulders Your stretching of a little cat Your way of eating chocolate mousse like a little boy The pine forest of your legs Your armpits carefully shaved like a English grass But desert ... Your sex that I imagine The Calvin Klein of your boxer which bites the lower part of your back The down which adorns the birth of your buttocks Your eight-day-old beard which does not manage to age you see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Teens, European, Maghrebin
Yesterday I “knew” “A”, 25 minutes flat. We did not shake hands, covid obliges. He looked better than the picture he sent me on the dating site. 20 years old, the complexion a little reddened by the sun, tanned, amiable, smiling. Once home, he brushed my penis protected by faded red cotton pants. I returned the favor to him. -It's stupid we can't kiss ... We caressed each other, gently, slowly. -Go, too bad we kiss! Her lips are soft, her wandering tongue and her languid French kiss, but see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Teens, Mature, European