
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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after a few days of hot dialogues between us finally decided to see each other on Sunday apm I am alone at home and very want to be sucked for a long time I give him my address and go in the shower after a good half hour of waiting I see that he is station in front of my house I see him out of his car hummmmmm a handsome guy with perfect size bearded miammmmmm I open the door for him and he goes upstairs I wait for him on the doorstep he comes in have hi and I invite him to go to the room then arrive see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Forty, Mature, First time, Married
it happened before yesterday Thursday I read my emails when I see an email from a guy that I read last summer he told me to be on pezenas for three days and that he damn want to see me, I answer him and tell him that I'm available and it's falling even though my balls are full I continue to read my other emails and after an hour I see his answer, I'm hot I want too much I rent a cottage in Pezenas he gives me the address and his phone I shower my cock balls and I go to the address indicated jy see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Forty, Mature, Married
it's been a good month since I invite my new submissive to my house he arrives and gets in my room once hood and prepare as a submissive slut I come into my room takes him direct by the leash and forces him to suck me very gently then I start to bathe his mouth he moans sucks and I thrust him in his mouth he lies down and throws his head back hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I grab him well boiled his mouth he chuckles drool moans while I pinch his nipples then I shake his cock have found himself head see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Forty, Submission/domination
sa cest passer dimanche apm apres avoir dial avec un mec marier en manque de sexe sur site coco je lui propose une rencontre ballade en campagne la il me dit je suis puceau et je voudrez etre ed et considerée comme une salope soumise je lui donne rencart cinq minutes plus tard je vois arriver un mec petrit de peur je lui serres la main et ont s engouffre dans foret ont papotes je lui dis que jai couilles pleines et qu il vas se regaler ont arrive la je trouves un muret et des see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, First time, Submission/domination, Married
sera cest passer hiers apm ou jai dominer un mec hummm un pur plaisir ont sait donner rencard dans mon coin en campagne ; aussitot arriver je lui dit suis moi et ont se mets dans un bosquet je descend mon pantalon et lui dit vas y il se me as genoux et me leche et suce mon chibre qui durcit vite je lui prends a tete et commence as bien le baizer il glousse il gemit bave bien je continu ma besogne il se regale bien il continu as baver cracher il couine comme une chienne hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Forty, Mature, Married
cela cest passé il y as une bonne quinzaines d année .jai fait la connaissance de thierry . par le biet d un site de rencontre de mecs . j avais mis une annonce recherche pot pour me sucer ..apres quelques jours et des mecs je suis interrer par lui car sa presentation me convenait et decide de se voir ont echanges tel et apres quelqus sms bien chaud je lui donne rendez vous .se fut un mercredi apm vers 17h .donc il arrivas as l heure et sortit de sa voiture . un beau mec grand fin cheveux see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, First time, Trav, Married
its been a week since i had an ingual hernia so i have home nursing care. at the beginning it was my nurse who came and after 3 days she told me I am going skiing and it is my replacement who will come and take care of you. so the next morning at the end of the morning. he arrives he introduces himself I am rudy the replacement. he comes in and comes to the room have chatted one can wonder if its going to be very courteous this first visit t he takes care of the care. prick for phlebitis cleanses see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Forty, Mature, Married
cela c es passer hiers donc j etait sur un autre site quand un vrp de 40ans me dit kil as envie de venir se faire culbuter et me sucer au jus .donc prise de rendez vous et au bout de 20minutes il etait la .humm beau mec petit roux de tres beaux yeux vert .aussitot chez moi direction chambre et dans la pénombre ont se desape et se jette sur lit . il commence as me leche tetos ventre sexe dans mon calecon de gemissents promettteur annoncer une bonne parties de baizes .ont se retrouves vite see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Married
ceci c est passé apm apres de longues conversation sur autre site de rencontre .le profil d un jeune beur m interpelle grave ( docile bonne bouche recherche mec mur).donc ont se donne rendez vous rapidos apres 30minutes de dial nos envies et nos delires corresponds parfaitement . as 16h00 medhy arrivas sur pezenas il se gare comme convenu puis monte avec moi dans ma voiture .ont papotes de tout de rien nos regards en disent long .arriver en campagne .ont se ballades puis ont trouves see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, Mature, First time, Maghrebin, Married
hummm je viens de passée une matinée extra . je vue contacter par 3mecs qui ont lut mon histoire mise sur le site . 1mec de 65 ans puis 2 de 25/45ans ont papotent et au bout de 20minutes de conversation celui de 45 ans me dit etre dans les parages de pezenas . il me file son telephone direct .ont s envois des sms puis il me dit jai envie de te sucer voir plus . je lui reponds laisse mon me douchez et je te file l adresse . au bout de demi heures un sms ..arrive (je suis en bas ouvre ) see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Blow job, Married