
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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aide service (Sex Story gay)

Published by : lol82 the 07/10/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
Bonjour à tous, ce récit est un fantasme que j'ai dans la tête.Je suis grand brun barbe 180 86 petit sexe et je cherche un papy ventru. J'ai donc décidé sur mon temps libre de devenir aide pour papy le week end sur mon temps libre.Je me suis inscrit sur un site spécialisé pour les aidant. J'ai rencontré un vieux monsieur de 76 ans 170 environ 100kg une belle barbe grise, et surtout un gros ventre. Je passait 1chez lui les samedis afin de discuter, l'aider dans ses tâches qui ne maîtrisait see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Masturbation, Mature, Odors, Uro/Scat, European
Yesterday evening 23:00, 24 ° C, I decide to go to an area at the exit of the highway. These flirting places keep me excited.I was seriously hot but I was thinking of leaving when a guy comes in and pulls up.I watch him discreetly in his car, he also checks me. Then he decides to go out and go to the bathroom. From the parking space we have a breathtaking view of the single urinal, so I decide to get out of my car and stand in front of the parking lot in order to watch.The guy in shorts is looking see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Submission/domination, Odors
I am a salesperson in a supermarket and I have a soft spot for mature Arabs.I often imagine myself honoring their gender.One day, one of my clients had a problem with his merchandise. The model ordered was not the correct one, so he comes to tell me.He's an Arab in his forties, with a little belly and a look that asks you to worship his cock and above all to put yourself at his command.I therefore propose to deliver his new product.I arrive at his place, he lives alone, we get to work, we put his see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Forty, Odors, Maghrebin