
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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We all had to think about it one day , what is it for everyone is different and it goes with the present moment because each moment is different.Here we are not going to talk about the simple cup of coffee on a terrace, shaded to watch pretty women or handsome guys.But more naughty fun.Who has never fantasized about a forbidden moment that is exciting. for some it would even be forbidden for a moment by a protocol (from moral conscience to a way of life and yet it is there we want it :))The moment see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Hetero, Lesbians, Bisexual
En ce début de printemps, dans une région où il commence à faire chaud, je décide d'aller me balader, à proximité de lEure. Ballade et destination non-innocente, en effet certains couples se font des promenades coquines a cet endroit.En ce début d'après-midi, je prends la route et après quelques minutes, je m'arrête sur un chemin, qui me semble désert...Je commence ma ballade en direction de la rivière. Au bout d'une petite demi-heure, mais je continue, j'ai le temps, il fait beau, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty

Vendredi 20/04 (Sex Story gay)

Published by : epicurien28 the 22/04/2017 in the Gay erotic stories
Comme tous les vendredis en sortant du boulot à midi, je passe à l'étang coupe gorge puisque c'est sur le chemin du retour pour chez moi (et oui je ne travaille pas les vendredis après midi).Ce dernier vendredi , j'étais garé sur un parking près de l'etang pour attendre un homme qui avais posté qu'il serait dans le coin pour midi, mais pas vu.Je vois une voiture blanche se garer, les mêmes que celle de société, la personne reste à l'intérieur. Je sors de la mienne, passe devant cette see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Submission/domination
Like every weekday morning, I go to work very early with my wife and daughter, who I drop off at the station. Then I continue alone to arrive at around 7:30 am at my workplace. I arrive at the office, turn on the computer, make myself a coffee, then start reading the emails.Suddenly my mobile gives, I answer. It is the delivery man of the furniture that we have ordered who calls me to tell me that it will be delivered this afternoon.So I decide to take my day, I leave my leave and leave immediately.As see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy
Yesterday I spent a good part of the afternoon on this site chatting with some of you while I'm at work. It had excited me to see your photos and read your writing. At the time of departure I therefore decide not to go to the cruising spot where I often go after work. This one is five minutes from my work.So I go to the toilet to get an enema, the one where there is the hand wash inside. And yes, I always have my enema bulb with me, you never know.Then I hit the road.While driving on the forest road see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Submission/domination
T. still face down on the massage table took my cock in my mouth as a way of thanking me for the orgasm she had just had. C. was next to me and still watching and waiting for her turn. Well erect, the two of us are going to put us on the sofa, T. sucked us and jerked off. I was looking at C.'s cock. This one made me want to suck it too, I liked this short and thick 15x7 cock. I moved to come and lick it at the same time as T. Then she came to ride it to plant on C.'s sex. I found myself between see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty
Since our standby ended, we are registered on libertine sites.Since she could not go out this Saturday night for indisposition. She put the following ad on one of the libertine sites: - Ready my husband has a couple for the evening.This announcement attracted a couple, asking for details about me, what I liked, photos, etc ... My wife replied that he could do whatever wanted with me since I have no taboos.The appointment was made for the same evening at 8 p.m. at their place. I got ready to be on see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Forty, European
This massage is unforgettable for me since it is the first time that I have had myself fisted. As usual I had met a man in his forties on a dating site, called JP. His ad said he was massaging, so I contacted him asking what kind of massage he was offering.He answered me.-all parts of the body.Hmm, very interesting and it made me want to try a massage performed by a man, was a first for me.We meet up on a Friday afternoon, a day when both of them weren't working.When the day came, I prepared myself see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, Forty, First time, BDSM, Married
This happened in the spring of 2015, I had met a colleague from a different division than mine through a tacht social network. While chatting I learned that he was gay, he liked to suck and sodomize. He had a nice cock 17x5 or so.Since I was alone at that time in my office, we met at lunchtime several times, we sucked each other off and he ended up taking me either from behind or lying down on my desk like a real slut.One day an appointment was made for a midday, I went to do an enema in the toilet, see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, BDSM

Soumi in work (Sex Story gay)

Published by : epicurien28 the 26/01/2017 in the Gay erotic stories
Since that famous gang bang in the woods near my home, I can't do without cocks. Indeed, we left with a new solosophy of life with my wife, we are now libertine. Having confessed to him that during our standby I had had relations with men, and that I liked it as well as with a woman.She was amazed and she was shocked, telling me that she would not like to see me with another man during our club outings.So from that day on, I cheat on my wife but only with men. I am active or passive but I particularly see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Submission/domination