
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Dream or reality ? (Sex Story gay)

Published by : cool85 the 09/02/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
Dream or reality ? Thursday evening, we met again, Laurent, Philippe and me. It is Philippe who is at the origin of it: at the beginning of January, he expressed to me his desire to start again all three as last November. Of course, I talked about it to Laurent, who hastened to accept the invitation to enjoy and the hot moment was set for this Thursday at 5:15 p.m.Philippe arrives a little before 5 p.m. because he wants to wash up to be clean after his day's work. Very quickly, here he is naked see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Pure fantasy, Gay, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination, European, Married, Threesomes
Fiction ou réalité ? Parfois la réalité ressemble à la fiction, mais aussi l’inverse, vous ne croyez pas ? Mais je n’en dirai pas davantage…Depuis quelques années, j’ai deux amants très actifs sexuellement, Lourenço et Philippe, deux très beaux hommes auxquels je tiens énormément et avec lesquels j’entretiens une complicité sexuelle mais aussi, avec le temps, affective. Ils viennent régulièrement, surtout le premier, me retrouver chez moi pour partager un moment de sexe, Lourenço see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, Threesomes