
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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aventure au hammam (Sex Story gay)

Published by : bruno222 the 29/08/2023 in the Gay erotic stories
Ce jeudi là il faisait froid. Je déambulais cet après-midi de novembre dans cette ville de province triste et grise pour des motifs professionnels. J'avais quelques heures à perdre, je marchais sans but quand une envie de chaleur et de détente m'envahit, l’image d'un hammam pris forme dans mon esprit. Une recherche rapide sur internet m'indiqua pas très loin un établissement pouvant correspondre à mes attentes. Devant l'entrée est affiché "gay et mixte" mais je n'y prête pas attention see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, European, Married
handsome married man, in his fifties and the children far from home, the routine was beginning to weigh on me.I registered with no illusions on an internet dating site, without specifying the type of relationship desired, and one day, someone named Thierry left me a nice message. His profile contains a photo of his sex that troubles me and excites me...I answer him, and we end up making an appointment in a cafe near his home.He's a normal guy, neither handsome nor ugly but very nice. He offers me see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Blow job, First time, Married