Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories
immersion en bourgeoise (Sex Story gay)
Published by : bianca the 29/01/2022 in the Gay erotic stories
Keywords : 100% lived story, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination, Uro/Scat, European, Trav
First tapin.After my first times with my educator, I had plenty of time to meet men who contacted me on the site, they explained their desires to me, and I fulfilled their desire by going to their home to serve them at leisure. , schoolgirl, maid's secretary or stilted bourgeoise, sometimes so that they empty themselves on my face, in my mouth or soil my classy clothes with their semen. It had been a while since I had heard from my educator when I received a short message on the site.As usual, he see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Sodomy, Odors, Trav, Threesomes
Après avoir franchi le pas de ma féminisation et de mon dépucelage en tant que fille, je continuais dans cette voie, entre les jolies habits, le maquillage, les faux ongles, j’étoffais ma garde-robe, et je cherchais la compagnie des hommes et de leur concupiscence. Je fus rapidement relancée par mon vieux vicieux qui m’avait pris mon pucelage et m’avait violé la bouche. Comme à son habitude lorsqu’il me parlait, il ne s’embarrassait pas des manières et me bousculait en me parlant see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Mature, Submission/domination, Trav, Threesomes
After I regained my celibacy, my desire for cross-dressing returned very quickly. I let myself go to order fine lingerie, thongs, bras, corset, stockings and suspender belt, then clothes, blouses, small tops, mini skirts and mini dresses that I embellished with high heels or boots , then I started collecting wigs of various colors and got myself a kit of makeup, false nails and fake breasts. My desire became more and more precise, I wanted a male.I subscribed to a gay site where there were quite see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Mature, First time, Trav