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Unknown traveler

Publié par : okey le 26/01/2016

The cutting cold and the abundant rain pushed the fragile beings that we were to gather. Man will never be able to tame the harshness of winter, but his instinct for survival has always led him to create protections, ramparts to the whims of Mother Nature, like this comforting bus shelter ... and packed. so much so that those at the front end were not spared from the rain.I was lucky to be protected from the gusts of this freezing January wind and this insolent rain. We were all pressed against each other, the need to be dry surpassed all modesty and propriety, also the exhalations materialized by white and thick vapors intertwined, just as the busts touched, the shoulders teased . I could hear, just very warm, the regular breathing of the man positioned behind me, he was standing in the corner, his back leaning against the glass of our shelter but his chest, which I felt large and powerful, was exerting pressure against my back. . New arrivals came to swell our ranks, we were already crowded together, we are now confused. Which forced us to move back even further to the bottom, I found myself fully juxtaposed with the man behind me, I now felt his entire body pressed against me. Incessant rain obliges, we had to optimize all the space. The bus was 10 minutes late. The man's breath was now caressing my neck, it was not unpleasant. That morning, I hadn't thought of putting on my scarf, the warm and steady breath of the man was a good substitute for it. I was hoping for a good lull in the afternoon, after morning classes I had planned to take advantage of the athletics track and the weight room of the university. I was already in proper sports clothes, a light canvas tracksuit, sneakers on the feet, a sports thong and in my bag a change of outfit once-the-sport-finished. The man was in office clothes, chic and black. I spread my legs to get my sneakers away from his shiny moccasins, it would be a shame to get them dirty. The man felt my movement and tried to control his breathing which tended to accelerate, his rib cage printed more irregular movements against my back. Suddenly, he coughed, which produced a movement of his pelvis, it was then that I really felt a good volume teasing the middle of my butt… oops! Was it his penis? Certainly ! It is indeed the only tenant of this place of the human body, unless a bad formation placed a third foot in this place. Oh boy, his penis is the size of a foot! long and thick! And I felt it tender, that is to say the margin that there was still.The bus pointed its headlights, opened its doors and we automatically rushed inside, how were we all going to be contained, it was already packed. We all managed to go up and we always found ourselves against each other. The engine roared, we headed for the station. I felt the same breath on my neck, warmer this time. I didn't dare take a look behind me. Especially since his penis swelled and embedded itself between my buttocks. No one could notice his pressures pressed against me, nor the hand he put on my right hip. His erection was full. While under the bus shelter, I felt his penis upright, upright and tender, shy and promising, here he is now buried in my tracksuit, very hard, pleasant and motivated. A flash of heat gained me, my heart accelerated and excited by the audacity of this male, my shyness gave way to a strong pleasant inner agitation. A few drops beaded on my back. Jolts of his penis, helped by the shaking of the bus cruise put my nascent nervousness in check, my stress gradually evaporated each time his penis interfered between my soft buttocks. He was probably not wearing underpants, the course of his erection was not hampered by any underwear, although horizontal I felt it very close to my anus. I received a last jolt well flanked this one because the bus braked outrageously in front of the station. The doors opened and like sheep being freed to graze, we went out. my shyness gave way to a strong pleasant inner agitation. A few drops beaded on my back. Jolts of his penis, helped by the shaking of the bus cruise put my nascent nervousness in check, my stress gradually evaporated each time his penis interfered between my soft buttocks. He was probably not wearing underpants, the course of his erection was not hampered by any underwear, although horizontal I felt it very close to my anus. I received a last jolt well flanked this one because the bus braked outrageously in front of the station. The doors opened and like sheep being freed to graze, we went out. my shyness gave way to a strong pleasant inner agitation. A few drops beaded on my back. Jolts of his penis, helped by the shaking of the bus cruise put my nascent nervousness in check, my stress gradually evaporated each time his penis interfered between my soft buttocks. He was probably not wearing underpants, the course of his erection was not hampered by any underwear, although horizontal I felt it very close to my anus. I received a last jolt well flanked this one because the bus braked outrageously in front of the station. The doors opened and like sheep being freed to graze, we went out. helped by the jolts of the bus cruise put in check my nascent nervousness, my str ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Mature, First time, Submission/domination, Sport, Studies, At work