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Used for the weekend

Publié par : eerica le 18/11/2020

I get off the train. From the platform, you have to cross a lane to access another platform behind which I can see the parking lot where my contact gave me an appointment by telling me that he will come and pick me up to take me home or he may there already have another submissive. As he ordered I put on tight denim shorts, a t-shirt, sneakers and nothing else. I met him on the internet, I don't know him yet but I'm going to be his whore for the weekend. I love.I am in the parking lot, he told me he has a gray car, the only gray vehicle is a scenic, but there are three people on board, I deduce that it is not that. No other gray car! And now the driver of the scenic beckons me. As I walked towards him I thought about it, he hadn't told me that there would be three ... Well if there was another submissive, there might also be another domi. I arrive at the scenic. Hi ! Erica?Hello. Yes it's me.Good. I took two friends, I hope you don't mind?Two buddies ... so this isn't the second submissive, it's both disturbing and ... exciting. I say no, it doesn't bother me. He tells me to get in behind. As we leave. The guy next to me, in his sixties, is looking at me. "So you're a good bitch like that?" He tells me. He attacks directly, it is up to me to play my part. "Yes sir" - Yeah that's a bitch that - adds Jean the one who invited me and to whom we normally go. - I saw it, chatting with her on the internet that she's a hell of a bitch! As he speaks my neighbor strokes my bare thighs. "Here, repeat what you wrote to me, tell us why you are here" added Jean. I remember in part what I had written during our exchanges. I was then excited at the idea of ​​him fucking me and I let myself go. I'm a little scared but I decide on an answer that matches my status as a lope. "I am a bitch and I am coming to get some cock".During this time the caresses of my neighbor reached my crotch and he feels (yes that is the appropriate term) through the shorts my testicles and my cock. "And are you putting on some little bitch shorts?" »He says« yes sir » He takes out his cock and grabs my head, I immediately understand that I have to suck.He doesn't have a hard-on and I try to turn him on but it doesn't seem to be going fast enough for him. "What are you doing bitch, you have to teach you how to suck?" »I apply myself as best I can, sucking his cock, playing my tongue but the guy stays soft! "She doesn't want to suck, we're going to train her" the front passenger spoke. He hadn't said anything since my arrival. "Yours take the path to the woods there, we will be quiet". I always try to make the guy hard but without much success. His cock barely swelled a little in my mouth. I can feel the jolts of the car now rolling on a path;"Stop there it's good here" the car stops. The 60-year-old guy holds my head between his legs, I hear the doors opening and then it's mine, A hand grabs my shorts at the waist "on my knees to suck bitch, A bitch always offers her ass when she sucks understood » I can't answer since my mouth is full, but I sit on my knees on the seat while slaps fall on my shorts. "She sucks the better" "no it's the same" said the 60-year-old guy. Come over here dirty bitch! I was pulled back by the waistband of my shorts and kicked out of the car. The guy drags me between the trees, “on my knees; sucks! »There are chestnut bugs, dead leaves, twigs, something that we normally find on a forest floor, but not easy to kneel with bare legs, The guy took out his cock, he is hard, he must being 50 years old and it's tough considering the way he got me out of the car. He makes me suck me his cock deep throat I cough, he slaps me, "what the fuck is she doesn't know how to work? »He reintroduces me in a deep throat but I still cough, I spit bile, I take slaps again, still on my knees, he rips my t-shirt« I'm going to train you dirty bitch ».He puts me across on his thigh. "Give me your hands" I do so and he folds his arms behind my back and ties my forearms with my t-shirt, so he starts spanking me through the shorts. He hits hard, it hurts and I scream, I understand why they wanted a discreet corner, here apart from us no one at risk of coming. I realize that I am totally at their mercy. While the spanking continues, Jean stands in front of me, cock erect, I take it in the mouth and suck it. The spanking stops the guy massages my anus through the shorts, I love it, jeans took my head and lime my mouth. The guy slipped his finger under the shorts to finger me better, it's too good, when Jean removes his cock I moan. "Ha, here's the bitch coming" says the guy, he stops fingering and starts spanking again, it hurts I beg.Between the fear, the pain and the sexual excitement I don't know where I am. I'm crying, Jean slaps me a few times. Then they stop. The guy goes back to my fingering while Jean makes me suck his fingers. I react to the fingering and moaning then jean puts his cock in my mouth, I suck it I will seek it as deep as possible "but here it is, the training begins to take" the 60-year-old guy to join Jean, now he's hard, I have to suck it then jean, then they both put their cocks in my mouth, a real whore that turns me on. "We are going to bring out the bitch even more" the spanking resumes, still on the shorts, still very strong, the guy takes me by the hair and pulls my head back while continuing his brutal slaps on my shorts. “Bitch! You will see what you will become with us »then he asks Jean to grab the hook and the rope which are in the car. I told myself that they had everything planned and that they took the gear with them. The bastards! While jean throws the rope over a fairly strong branch, the guy gets up, kneels me and lifts me by the waistband of the shorts. The 60-year-old guy come and help him, they hold me together, I weigh seventy kilos anyway! I understand they intend to hang me by the crochet shorts that jean is wearing The right height, that is to say that my feet do not touch the ground. When they hook me up and take off my sneakers, I'm very excited, but the spanking starts again, there are three to hit me, I cry, under the effect of the blows I started to turn at the end of the rope so that they take turns hitting me when my butt passes in front of them. I ask please, I'm nice I'm your bitch, fuck me ... etc but nothing helps. At one point the 60-year-old guy picks up a stick which he breaks to make a joke, I'm afraid, I shout no no, please. They stop my rotation, one strokes my ass with the stick while the other two also look for something to imitate him. It doesn't take long for them to come back with sticks. I'm afraid. The sticks caress my shoulders, my stomach, my buttocks my thighs, I feel that they have passed one behind the thigh between the buttock and my shorts and that he tries to move towards my pussy. The guy is in front of me, he presents me with a stick in front of my mouth that I have to suck, I take it in the mouth and start to suck, he seems to like it he strokes my hair, I have only one fear is that he sticks it in my throat but he won't. Undoubtedly understanding the failure of the attempt, the stick has been removed from under my shorts, now it pushes on the seam of my shorts up to my anus. The guy removes the stick from my mouth and presented me with his cock which I swallowed greedily in my mouth. He seems to like it, he holds my head and files me in a deep throat, I let it go. Then he wedges his cock deep and holds my head after a few seconds he asks the others to take out my clit. A hand holds me, opens my shorts and pulls my cock outside, then the shorts are closed cock outside through the fly they also close as much as possible. Knowing my parts thus exposed is extremely unpleasant, when I feel the cold of a stick start to pat my head; I'm afraid ; "We are going to m ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, BDSM, European, Threesomes