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A muscular sissy (episode 5 and end)

Publié par : roseau38 le 03/11/2021

So I am smooth, clean, transvestite, makeup, but half naked and in action in this apartment that I do not know with 5 heterosexual lads that I met at the gym. While sucking Karim, the first of them that I took care of, I very quickly had a 20 cm club in my mouth that I have a hard time putting on the back of my throat. It doesn't last very long anyway! It explodes right in my mouth and on my face, without even having tasted my anal pussy."Welcome to the aperitif, my sissy" said Issam the Master of the place… and of myself!The taste of semen puts a slightly cloying touch of bitterness on the punch I just drank, but it's not unpleasant. I swallowed a lot of it, coughing a little.Issam pulls back and wrings his cock over my face. Then another has the delicacy of wiping me with a kleenex, while spreading the semen well all over my face ... "It adds an excellent organic day cream to your makeup, darling" I said nothing, taking advantage of this moment to both humiliating and very pleasant. I now feel perfectly safe, and I know these males will give me all the pleasure I'm looking for. I'm still on my knees with my heels and my ass arched, ready to take care of the other 4.The guy who wiped me is now approaching his cock, and I will take care of him right away. His cock is not circumcised, and it is very pleasant to go and search with my tongue, the glans which is not completely removed under his long foreskin. Again a few seconds are enough for a maximum erection, but the second guy is more enduring than the first. He begins to force a deep throat on me (which I accept of course) and utters a little groan of pleasure. Meanwhile a third male is positioned behind me, still on all fours, and spread my legs a little to make room. This one will not need to be sucked, he shoves his cock directly into my pussy, slowly but surely, to the hilt. I love ! I just have a little trouble concentrating on both at the same time, and struggle with the retching that the second imposes on me on the oral side. He also began to kiss my mouth, holding his hand firmly to the back of my head. My wig comes off… “Yeah…” commented Issam, “We don't care about your wig, we know you're a female who likes the male, you give us a nice demonstration”.Indeed for a few minutes I undergo the simultaneous assaults of the two alphas males. Maximum amplitude back and forth in each hole is not that easy to hold even for the trained slut that I am. Besides, my clit reacts by becoming soft again, and swaying by dangling at the option of repeated thrusts. I hold on, but feel like an inflatable doll between these two stallions. I drool as much as I can on Issam's carpet.The other two surround me, half-haired and erect tails, and Issam also began to film our antics."Don't worry, it's just for my personal collection, it won't come out of here," he said.I don't know why I trust him. I especially want to surrender myself completely to these manly games, to these cocks that pound me through both holes and the pleasure that begins to rise again.The heat and thirst begin to reach me again, despite the tearing of the wig which allows me to cool my head soaked in sweat a little.The two zozos enjoy at the same time for a few seconds, one on my face the other deep in my anal pussy, gripping the top of my thighs and moaning.I did not have time to enjoy, and besides it is better not because I have 2 males to satisfy and I therefore remain in the desire. After unblocking and unblocking (I don't know how to express that), I dripped with semen. It's still Issam's carpet that picks it up, the one that drips from my face but also the one that flows from my anus after a few seconds, and that I don't want to hold back. I think strongly of the word "drag" which used to be called prostitutes."I'm thirsty" I said "Very well darling, a little glass of punch for our little bitch she deserved it - No really I would prefer a glass of water - Your mouth baby, I didn't ask for your advice, drink that glass! "Too thirsty and already tired to discuss, I drink and drink greedily… anyway, I might as well take pleasure to the end! In addition it changed the taste of semen a little.The last two positioned themselves in the same way as the previous two, Issam behind while continuing to film. But aware that I was starting to tire, they did not file my pussy or mouth for long."Go on your back, legs bent and spread, bitch!" " I was performing, enjoying this position and the softness of the Issam mats."Eat his ass, Issam said to me, pointing to his boyfriend"Without the punch I wouldn't have done it, too worried not to catch diseases; but there between the drunkenness and the excitement of feeling totally dominated by these males, I loved s ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Submission/domination, Fetish, Odors, Uro/Scat, European, Maghrebin, Black, Trav, Threesomes