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A swimming pool in this heat ...

Publié par : gilles65 le 19/08/2020

IT was very hot at the beginning of August, so hot that at work I had everything that stuck to my skin, being a naturist, I wanted only one thing, to get naked as soon as possible. But impossible… The work finished, I took my vehicle and obviously before the air conditioning worked, it was an oven in this car, I said to myself, too bad, I take off my polo shirt and my pants, and I stay in boxer shorts and my barefoot sandals ... I took the way back, hoping that the heat would drop again, so I took the roads, outside the Highway because there is work going on at the moment, which makes me pass by smaller roads, and 4 lanes too… I drive slowly, and I do not realize that a truck, not a big heavy weight but a rather high vehicle came and went next to me, especially when the red lights were on. So I find myself next to a driver who was looking at me strangely. I had forgotten that I was in boxers, he seemed to be quite naughty of a certain age as I like them (55/60), he rolls down his window and gestures to me to do the same: - Hello, then? Hot eh?- Uh yes, I'm too hot, besides the air conditioning in my car is not very efficient… - I live 5 minutes away, if you want, I'll offer you a refreshment… - Ok, thank you, it's not no refusal ... I follow you then ... I knew that the glass of water would not fill all this little break ... Once parked, in front of his house, it's a pavilion, I start to get dressed to get out of the car , but he signals me to return his car in his driveway, suddenly, his gate opens and rushes in first and me who follows him… nice surprise when I see his pretty house… with a swimming pool…! Well, I don't know if a little swim would be possible, do you ever know ...So I get out of my vehicle, but I already had a small erection, which was a little visible.- Roger, my name is, and you?- Gilles, delighted. It's nice at home! in addition swimming pool wouahou! what luck… - I offer you a beer? a soda ?- I don't drink alcohol, so a soda, no problem… - You can if you want to take a dip in my swimming pool, if that tells you .. - It's true, but… I didn't of swimsuits… - Me neither… and then, calm, you can bathe naked, it is what I do also…My soda in hand, I put it on the table and take off my boxers with my tail half erect ... suddenly I ask to shower beforehand for hygiene and then dive into the pool ... what is it good to be in the water naked… He watches me go back and forth, smiling… Okay, I don't dare ask him to join me, maybe he doesn't want to swim… He leaves for his house for a moment, and I take the opportunity to put myself completely under the water, as long as possible, and when I come back to the surface ... two men look at me! Roger and another man… Oops!- Let me introduce you to my neighbor, Sylvain.- Uh hello Sylvain… sorry I'm in the pool, naked… - Don't worry, he often comes here to dive too…I ended up getting out of the water anyway in front of them which was on comfortable armchairs, but not yet naked, they were wearing very wide shorts, both of the same style… I ask them for a towel, but they offer to take me. dry in the sun… I finish my soda and sit down next to them, but I can't help but get hard on, I feel a little shy all the same and excited at times… - So are we there? Nice body you have! ; o) - Thank you… do you know each other well?- Yes even intimately if you want to know .. Sylvain is married and bi… - Ha… that's good… Come and see us, we would like to look at you closely, I see that you are having a hard time, we like to watch and feel too… suddenly I present myself in front of them, and they scrutinize me as in a medical examination ...- Let it go… get on your knees - Uh yes… - Take my cock out of my shor ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Mature, Submission/domination