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A riding lesson

Publié par : thimau le 20/09/2023

I have been riding for years, surrounded by women. I've been subjected to heavy flirting and now, with age, it's no longer just the apprentices who weigh me down.Fortunately, this year, an instructor is leading the dance and I find him very much to my liking. A combination of circumstances means that we both find ourselves alone for a session of a few hours.Gérald (the instructor) suggests that I leave the equestrian center to take a walk in nature. I nod and follow him, enjoying the view of his buttocks which I find magnificent. We gallop at the end of which we dismount from our mounts so that they can rest. We walk side by side and we exchange many more words than we have since the beginning of the year. Gérald seems very sensitive to me and our discussion makes me more and more attracted to this man with such an elegant figure. Her face is a work of art: eyes with perfect asymmetry, neither too big nor too small. They are blue as much as her wavy hair is light brown. His nose is crunchy just like his little mouth with its well-defined lips. His chin and cheekbones make me want to bite them. Its neck is relatively thin. His torso is balanced with his build: it's not a swimmer's top or a bodybuilder's top. What is most sensual about him are his beautifully sculpted legs, the lines of which are highlighted by these tight riding pants! And as I pointed out previously there is this ass! An ass that would make a crocodile hard!The conversation comes up about the presence of women at riding lessons and I quickly understand that this is seriously annoying him. It's time to get back in the saddle and he offers me a "western" route. It's not too cold and I don't feel cold; I nod. We gallop forward for a while before reaching this river which is not very wide and which he decides to cross. I followed it but my horse had decided otherwise and I found myself head first in the water. I'm soaked and the wind is freezing my blood.Gérald hastens to undress me (even my underwear), surrounds me with the dry blanket located under my saddle. He makes a bundle with my clothes, helps me climb into his saddle and sits behind me to steer his mount.He is pressed against my back and I feel his breath. It surrounds me to warm me better. If I wasn't freezing, I'd be in heaven. We arrive in a sheepfold. He places me in front of the fireplace in which he lights a fire which will quickly warm up the atmosphere. He arranges my clothes so that they dry and he moves behind my back to rub me to warm me up. He stands close to me and regularly leans his head in front of me to look at me and inquire about my condition. Little by little, I regain color and he leaves my back to position himself at my side.His hands are now on my feet which have now gone from blue to white. It warms them up and now goes up my calves then onto my thighs. The heat reaches me, not just that of the fire or of its massages which become more and more cuddly.Before his hands go higher than the top of my thighs, I move my face towards his and our eyes enter into communion, then our lips followed by our tongues. He kisses as divinely as he is beautiful! His hands have passed the top of my thighs and he warms what was already boiling hot from the inside: my penis. I become erect and if his hands can brush my skin all over, I have ...

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Keywords : Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Sport