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a story can banal ...

Publié par : pattounett le 23/07/2020

use it and on the site it is the main photo honestly I prefer to have a photo of the face with whom I discuss ... and I send by saying to myself I would see tomorrow if I have an answer ... this morning when I get up after having lunch and smoking my cigarette with my mouth still in the ass as usual I will consult my computer and as usual I consult my ass sites first, when I arrive on the libertic one I will see my messages and that I see that one answered me I click on it and there is the total !!! I see this answer: I think we know each other? ... I see the photo of this nice gentleman who had come to my house and who had recognized me on this support site, who had also seen me on libertic and who hadn't told me anything !!! I can tell you that it woke me up suddenly !!! then what to do? I answer him? am I not answering him? what to do ? a little embarrassed anyway frankly I think ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero