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A beautiful afternoon

Publié par : josty77 le 12/08/2022

Before going on vacation, I asked Bernard to plan a great sex afternoon.He knows that I love several so he had planned to invite ... I arrive a little before to take a shower to be ready. It is he who undresses me, kissing me all over and caressing me. His shorts do not hide his desire. In the shower I hear ringing, here is the guest I say to myself. Wiped I go naked ds his room. There is not one guest but two. Bernard spoiled me. All 3 naked on the double bed, their sexes erect like CB antennas.They make room for me, the bed is big.Presentation: Thierry and J Luc are our accomplices of the day. Bernard kisses me full on the mouth and I feel the fingers tickle my nipples outstretched as a mouth grabs my already tense cock.I'm already moaning with pleasure. Your slut is hot, says Thierry. It begins well.Saying that, he straddles me and puts his ass on my mouth... just his washer on my tongue, which is already waiting for him. I lick, I search, he comments to others and compliments me. The mouth that sucked me is always active JLuc is between my thighs and applies moaning. I guess Bernard is already honoring his anus with his beautiful cock. Thierry, the soaked and supple washer comes to fit on my wet sex from the mouth of J Luc. It goes up and down along my sex while sucking Bernard.J Luc, without wasting time stuffs me his cock in the mouth. I'm so happy...Too early to enjoy, so a short stop. Brief because JLuc turns me around and tells me to show him my ass. I do so and Thierry sits in front of me to show me his swollen glans. They brush my pussy with gel and JLuc's glans force my puck in small thrusts and it doesn't take long to be deep inside me. He holds my hips and begins his load. It's good! Plus he calls me a female dog in heat. He stops his back and forth and I understand that Bernard is trying to penetrate the same time. The movements of the duo resume until JLuc r ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, Threesomes