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farm memory 3

Publié par : dodu50ans le 09/03/2022

I finish the field, I return the tractor. Claire is still milking cows.I'm not going to disturb her, I go up I take a shower then I fill the bathtub and I settle in it.I doze off slightly, I hear Claire enter the bathroom, look at me and tell myself I'm taking a shower during this time you empty the water from the bathtub.I do, once emptied, she comes naked, throws me a weird look and says you're at my orders tonight my darling. Anything Claire.She tells me lie down in the bathtub, and she comes to position her penis near my face, I raise my head to come and taste it but she tells me don't move, otherwise I'll go to bed alone tonight. I do not move and I look at his beautiful black eyes.She smiles at me and says shut your mouth, I do it again then I feel a hot liquid pour on my face, she urinates on me and moves, and her piss with her my chest, my belly, my sex who begins to bend very hard until my feet receive the product of his bladder.When she's finished, she tells me now you're cleaning my sex, I bring my mouth to her black fleece and I lick her hair first then I get to her sex, the taste of her urine doesn't bother me, I lap her sex and she starts to moan, I can't stop I put my hands on her buttocks and I pull her a little closer to my mouth, she comes in a magnificent cry, I continue to lick to taste her pleasure.We come to our senses and we kiss, tongue against tongue. Michel, let's take a shower, we soap up and Claire looks at me, did you like my darling.Yes my love, it was magic, thank you f ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Uro/Scat