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Meeting with a fisting follower and first experience

Publié par : patrick195 le 06/08/2020

About five years ago, I was walking on a listed site, well known to Vichy people and conducive to meetings.Unfortunately, this site on the banks of the Allier, which the locals will recognize, has since been completely redesigned and has lost all these little nooks and crannies that allowed discreet encounters.On this site, many small paths and all along the river an old abandoned technical building, out of sight, where only the walls had stood the test of time. This place deserved a little visit to each of my passages.That day as I approached, I noticed an elderly man, sitting on the small wall who was masturbating. He had his shorts on and I took a few moments to observe him before I discovered myself. Having lowered my shorts too and released my cock to indicate my intentions, he asked me to approach and began to masturbate vigorously while I was busy pinching my nipples.Then he told me that the area was not quiet enough and asked me to follow him to a quieter place, which I did. After a hundred meters to cover a small path we arrived in a small thicket, very protected by dense vegetation, obviously the man had arranged the place because the ground allowed to lie down on a towel in order to enhance our antics. .After removing our two towels from our bags, he asked me to lie down and began to fellatio on my cock which had lost its ardor. Then very quickly he ventured around my washer, massaging it delicately and moistening it abundantly with saliva. Although I had tried a few small introductions in my puck before, the feeling it gave me when I put one then two fingers into my little hole, while being very soft was new to me. He continued his work until I introduced four fingers, I felt my little hole expand without hurting. Visibly feeling conquered by this little game, he took out of his bag a god which at the time seemed enormous to me. It must have been five to six centimeters in diameter and was about 25 centimeters long. He sprinkled the object with generous amounts of gel and wiped his fingers, spreading the rest of the gel over my washer.Slowly, he began to massage my washer with the head of this big god, pressing gently but regularly so that my little hole swallows the beast. I felt my flesh stretched until that final moment when a more acute pain inva ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Sodomy, Mature