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first pleasure in sex-hop

Publié par : hgironde le 19/01/2015

It was a long time ago I was 25 and I was working in Paris for a few months. My girlfriend was not there, she sometimes joined me on weekends. In the evening after work, I used to hang out in Pigalle and my sexual curiosity led me to go see what was going on in these sex shops and porn cinemas. I was not new to peep shows, of course for me it was exciting to see a naked woman swinging her hips on stage, but the slightly fictitious side of the caresses was not ultimately a little frustrating and I decided to go in the projection rooms of porn cinemas. The first times I discovered the atmosphere, but in my naivety I did not understand the incessant back and forth in the rooms, but on the other hand I understood that here we could jerk off in the eyes of others and that it seemed to attract attention. . My exit side then took over and I liked to make myself come under the gaze of a mature man between the seats of dark rooms. One evening, however, a handsome mature man came to sit down next to me, in a room where a lesbian film was shown ... he was classy, ​​visibly foreign. I had already more or less taken out my cock, it was stiff and a good size. My pink acorn came and went in my hand in the dark. I wanted to pull in my cock, but the desire was stronger, showing my cock to this man was good and the pleasure made me ready for anything. It was then that he put his hand on my thigh, slowly he went up quietly and came on my cock ... I was in a trance! since my teenage experiences with a cousin no man had put his hand on my cock and even less in public! wow! He then started to jerk me off gently, quietly while commenting on the movie, by telling me look at these sluts you would like to lick them too ... The situation was magnificent I realize a fantasy to b ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Teens, Mature, First time