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PIER AND JAN. Chapter 1.

Publié par : michel17600 le 19/10/2022

Hi there.It's been a long time since I've published anything, at least on the site. You all will excuse me. Serious reasons had made that... The story that I am telling you today is totally true, just like the previous ones. It will also be in several chapters, all certainly of unequal scope. In addition to loving love and all its "gestures", I also love words. Those who begin to know me know it: I speak well of what I know well... Happy reading to all and thank you for supporting me!Pier and Jan...Hello. My name is Pier. Telling you my age would be useless, firstly because it changes every year and for this reason I have trouble remembering it, then because it means nothing since, it seems ( and I am sure of it), everything happens in the head. In the head ? Hmmm... Let's say that "it" begins in the head to continue much lower, where the head no longer has anything to command but where the senses govern... What a reversal of the situation! What a superb head-to-tail! What more can you say about me? Well... here it is: A day begins. A sad day, a rainy day, in short, a day of idleness where, in order not to sink into gloom, you have to know how to keep busy. And that's what I'm going to do.After a light breakfast (two cereal crackers and a long coffee), I go to the bathroom. The barely lukewarm water from the shower finally wakes me up, flowing from head to toe. With the foamy soap of the liquid gel, my hand slides over my body, lingering somewhat at the level of my sex that I take great pleasure in slowly retracting the cap to better soap it, and around my anus. At my age, I do not yet know all the pleasures that this orifice can provide. My husband (yes, you read correctly: my husband) often invites me to relax to relax better, but I can't open up to him enough for him and I remain deeply sorry for him. Also, from time to time, I try it with the help of a prostate stimulator and, my faith, I find that very... exciting! It also happened to me to use a sex toy that I introduce into my anus slowly, in small jerks, to train it to expand in order to receive what I wish to offer it. So, I feel that it's my sex that is erect while my toy makes its way inside my lower abdomen... My husband explained to me that penetration with a male sex is a lot more pleasant because it is more "lively". I only ask to believe this and I only want one thing: to be fulfilled, in every sense of the word... I feel that it's my sex that is erect while my toy makes its way inside my lower abdomen... My husband explained to me that penetration with a male sex is much more pleasant because more "alive". I only ask to believe this and I only want one thing: to be fulfilled, in every sense of the word... I feel that it's my sex that is erect while my toy makes its way inside my lower abdomen... My husband explained to me that penetration with a male sex is much more pleasant because more "alive". I only ask to believe this and I only want one thing: to be fulfilled, in every sense of the word...Once dried, groomed like a young foal, scented with my favorite eau de toilette (or an invigorating eau de cologne), I get dressed and check my email (emails and text messages). And there, my mailbox tells me that "Jan sent you a message. To read it, click here." First surprised (I don't know Jan, who is that?), I reject the email and I move on to the others: a social network that sends me photos published by a friend of the group "Les Amis Classical Music", my bank telling me that my checkbook is at my disposal at my usual agency, an advertising letter extolling the merits of such underwear "for men who have them"... Pfff... The pub no longer knows where to stay! For me, it's especially what I see in this photo which no longer knows where to stay in this panty full to make its seams crack!... And I think back to this email (without leaving the panty of thought) and click on the trash can. "Jan sent you a message..." These words, before my eyes, spin around in my mind and end up entering it so much that... I "click here". Three seconds later, a page opens with these words: "Hello Pier." In a corner of the message, a small photo: a male body, naked and faceless, a body that I take for the torso of a statue Greek as it is beautiful.To be honest, it's not Jan who sends his message directly to my inbox: it's done via a specialized site on which you can exchange messages and photos. By discovering what Jan wrote to me, I can also find his photo and above all I can also see that he noted one of mine, the one on which my sex is put, quite naturally, in value... He There are two kinds of photos on this site: the "public" ones that everyone can see, and the private ones, which are only shown to certain subscribers, if feeling. When I open Jan's mail, I see that he has added an emoticon to it, these little round yellow heads. This one sticks out its tongue, or pretends to suck, perhaps an invisible sex...I can also have access to his profile, his research, his sexual tastes... He is looking for a man. That's good, me too! For me, this is already a very good point. And we don't just have that in common. The rest is translated into very explicit verbs: kissing, sucking, masturbating, taking... and a few "physical" adjectives: nice, playful, pleasant, pleasant... This quickly sketched portrait pleases me immensely. I can't say why: I like it, that's all!I respond to his hello with a few simple words, "It's true that you seem to have a very beautiful body that I would really enjoy having in my bed", signed with a mischievous kiss, and I disconnect. In the evening, I come back to the site because Jan replied: ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Mature, European