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Father and son

Publié par : klod le 29/04/2019

My father as far as I can remember has always shown me immense love.My mother had left us within a year of my birth to leave with another man on the other side of the world... we never heard from her again!I did not suffer from this maternal absence because my father always took care of me with a lot of love and tenderness. The nappies, the baby bottles, the first steps, the teeth... he assumed all of this without failing; always present if tears flowed from my eyes, his beautiful smiling face and his muscular arms, always knew how to comfort me.But I think my favorite moment has always been the bath!I always remember taking it with him in the bathtub. For him it was above all a question of safety, and that's how we were together naked in this big bathtub, playing with my plastic toys which floated on the foam of the bath... I also liked during these moments snuggling up against her beautiful body, feeling her muscular arms hug me affectionately and holding me, I was fine, nothing in the world could hurt me.When I was 7 years old, he wanted me to take my bath alone. I protested, refused to wash, and cried. My father took me on his knees and explained to me that a big boy like me had to wash himself, that it was better that way.But really this moment of solitude in the bathroom did not please me!A few months later, while I was still in my bed, I heard the water in the bathtub running; my father was preparing a bath.I got up and walked slowly towards the door of the bathroom which was not closed and ajar. I saw my father finish undressing and go naked into the bathtub, he settled in with a sigh of relief.I left my little pajamas on the landing to find myself completely naked, pushed open the door gently and ran to the bathtub to surprise my father by jumping into the water.He jumped, surprised by this intrusion. "But what are you doing here? You weren't sleeping anymore?" As usual, I sat down between my father's beautiful hairy legs and rested my back against his chest.For the first time I wanted to caress those legs, to feel her wet skin and hair under my hands. My little hands were gently caressing her thighs when I felt her penis harden behind me... I had always seen her penis all soft or sometimes a little more swollen and slightly raised, but it had never seemed to me to become so hard and steep.My dad told me to get up and rinse off that we had things to do. I asked no questions and left the bath rolled up in my towel. he didn't get up right away and waited for me to leave the bathroom... More and more he arranged for me to take my bath alone and always closed the door when he was in the bathroom.He was still taking care of me but I felt that something was pushing him to keep a distance from me on this level.Around the age of 13, when I was starting to become a handsome teenager, rather tall for my age, we had to move to a new house because my father was changing jobs.So we moved into a new house; the finishes were not finished, and the interior doors were not yet installed when ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Ados, Teens, Forty