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Olivier my cousin ...

Publié par : klod le 29/06/2020

The TGV had just returned to the station on July 2. I watched the door of Car 6 open and the travelers got out one after the other… Would I recognize him? I had not seen Olivier for 5 years; this is my cousin. In my memories he was an ordinary boy, a little round, a little shorter than me although he was 2 years older… Suddenly I heard "Kevin" behind me, I turned around I saw a superb guy from at least one meter ninety, slim, slender, muscular, built like an athlete! "Olivier" do I say surprised? I wouldn't have recognized him if I had passed him on the street. He got off the train through the door of the next car. Olivier grabbed me by the shoulders, gave me a kiss and I felt myself blush.Olivier burst out laughing when he saw my astonished and surprised face, "Yep, it's me!" You too have changed ”I remained frozen, not knowing what to do or say; my cousin who five years earlier looked like nothing had become a 20-year-old Greek god.I had just turned 18 in March and was trying to work my body to gain muscle and look something, but I was not happy with the result, even though my muscles were starting to take shape, when I saw myself in the mirror with my meter seventy-five for 62 kg ... Olivier in front of my dazed silence continued "Mazette you too have made good progress, turn around that I look at you" in silence I turned on myself leaving my cousin to judge my young body adult.I pulled myself together and asked him if the trip had gone well; “Yes but I'm happy to have arrived, I couldn't wait to be here; we are both going to have fun there! " We were heading to my car, talking about the sport we do respectively; I now understood how Olivier had changed so physically. Younger we had often spent our holidays together with our grandparents, but these last five years the organization of our lives had decided otherwise, but finally we were going to be able to spend time together this month. Since I was 16 I had understood that I preferred boys, and a few stealthy handjobs with other guys allowed me to confirm my preferences, without going any further… How was I going to do when we got home : I couldn't talk to him about it not having done my comming-out with my family?Just looking at him I was completely disturbed: his beautiful face with fine features, his smile to die for, his blue eyes, and his dream body made me crack; I fell in love with my cousin!He was always smiling and telling me about his student life as I drove to our grandparents' house. We decided to meet there a month ago by chatting on the phone.Since our childhood we had always shared the same room during our holidays; children this had never been a problem for us and we often took our showers together. I kept thinking about how to hide my condition from Olivier when we were new in the privacy of our room ... After having kissed our Grandmother and our G ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Ados, Teens, Cousins