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Foam and heat

Publié par : gentle29 le 09/03/2024

Hello everyone, this time I'm going to tell you about the time I went to a gay sauna during a foam party. After work, I take my car and head to this sauna, you should know that I had no idea that there was a foam party. Arrival in front of this sauna, no room. I wait a quarter of an hour for a car to deign to make way for me. A person finally arrives, gets into his car and disappears around the corner. I think in place and without looking around me, I open the door to forbidden pleasures. I pay my entry. The guy at the counter gives me the key to my locker. I go through the second door. He gives me a towel and I head to the locker room to take off my clothes. Once that's done, I head towards the shower, and take care to clean every inch of my body, out of respect for others and who knows, never knows what can happen to you when you get out of the shower, I see men with a little foam. Here it is, so I follow the opposite path and find myself in front of a glass door and although the darkness does not offer much opportunity to see, a few discreet lights allow me to see a few heads, coming out of the moss which now reaches my neck, the sensation is so pleasant, it's like walking in a cloud, I grope my way forward and a few bodies, whose skin is hot like embers, I hear breathing speed up and groans of pleasure. Needless to say, the mixture of all these sensations raises my mate to its peak. To my right, two men having sex. I get closer so that they feel my presence, my tail brushes against their thighs, the one who is being sodomized grabs it from me while I masturbate. So I stand in front of him and his head disappears under the foam to come and suck me. After ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, European, Threesomes