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My military service in 1968.

Publié par : ancien67 le 26/07/2023

In the Armies during my military service, I was older but not more confident in myself and inexperienced for good reason. Apart from kitty that I knew how to do since my initiation on a construction site in a maid's room, given my size I dared not undertake anything.Once the classes were over, as I was a HGV and SPL driver, I left for maneuvers for three periods of two months.At the beginning I was employed as a HGV driver and very quickly at the request of an officer I had a jeep to drive and he as the only passenger most often.Over time we hit it off, I don't know why he chose me, but I don't regret it. One day when I was in his apartment doing his little laundry, (yes) the conversations turned to sex and my dating, I replied timidly to this officer that given what nature had endowed me with, I wouldn't did or dared do anything.It was not me who took the first steps, too shy and above all suspicious. In the 1968s, relations between men were not tolerated as they are now, it was frowned upon and within the Armies even worse.The conversations became day after day, more and more intimate. For my part, I felt confident as with a big brother.I confided in what nature had given me, and the complexes engendered which rotted my life. I told him that I heard laughter behind my back when we were in the shower. As I suffered enormously from it, he quickly understood my discomfort.Confidences in confidences one day when it was very hot, we got rid of our fatigues and relaxed the rangers. He asked me if I could stand my new shoes, I told him no because in the evening my feet often hurt. So he suggested that I take off my shoes to take a foot bath with aromatic plants that he himself took in the evening to relax.He had everything ready, he took off my warm and slightly fragrant socks, obviously he liked what he smelled because he wore them under his nose and breathed for a while, staring into my eyes. I was embarrassed and I put my feet in the basin, he offered to massage them at the same time as the bath so that the relaxation was complete.I was very embarrassed because he was an officer and I was a private even though I was his driver. I told him and to reassure me as he had put himself at ease, he told me that he no longer wore ranks and we were tied.This foot bath and massage was a blessing and gave me an erection, which he saw. Another day he gave a phone call to inform me of my absence, because he needed his driver for a night out in the field. The field was his home.We under are undressed before going under the shower, it was well equipped sexually and I pointed out to him timidly because it impressed me and I was not reassured.As we had started drinking a little and I was not used to it, the barriers fell quickly. We pissed in the shower having started telling me to do the same. Sometimes I felt his hot urine on me on my buttocks precisely in the line, we laughed.I hesitated a long time before touching him no, but when I started I became addicted. For his part he did not hesitate and made me raise the temperature, I had a boner but between our two sexes it was simple to double or even triple, both in length and in width.He made me swear to shut up because if for him it would pass given his rank, for me it was guarant ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, First time, Submission/domination, Odors