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My first mature man

Publié par : kimedose le 17/07/2023

Hello, little story of youth.. The story takes place when I was 20 years old and at my beginnings of bisexuality.At the time, I had, in addition to relations with girls, a few moments of sex with a friend. We discovered each other and sometimes we isolated ourselves so that I sucked him and he took me. It was purely sexual but I liked it, I used it as a balls empty.Following the temporary boredom with the girls, I decided to explore a little more the relationships between guys. I register on the caramail site, where I describe myself.Young guy of 20, one meter eighty, sixty five kilos, looking for a man for a plan, with little experience and very very shy.I don't wait long to receive some messages that I find too direct for me at this time. A new message arrived, from a fifty-five-year-old man. The primer is different. He doesn't just think about fucking right away. Even if the outcome of the process remains the same.He explains to me that he has just separated, that he likes passive young men. And offers me to meet for a drink. He sends me some pictures of himself. It is rather massive, round, hairy short graying, and a photo of his cock that leaves me indifferent. A beautiful erect penis, shiny and which seems of good size without being huge but still quite thick.He disconnects, the next day,We hold an appointment, I feel excited and reluctant at the same time. But my desire to discover more galvanizes me. I mentally prepare myself a good while before the appointment and I go to the planned place.I'm waiting at the exact agreed place, and suddenly a tall man approaches and puts his hand on my shoulder. It was him.He invited me to have a drink at the bar next door, after discussing the banalities of life, having asked me about my desires and my motivations he gets up, goes to order a new round and comes back to sit down but this time here next to me.At that moment, I feel a hand land on my thigh, I turn my head in his direction and he kisses me full on the lips immediately.I'm surprised but let him and my tongue mingles with his. The place where we are is conducive to intimacy, we are at the back of the rooms, the tables are separated by high separations. His hands wander along my thighs, making him spread my legs, then go up on my belly and my chest. He tickles my nipples through the T-shirt. It really excites me. I venture to put my hands on his thigh, pass between his legs and feel a very hard bump through his pants.After a few minutes of this treatment he said to me: -Do you want to continue in peace at my place? I live not far.-If you want.-Okay, come on. We will be better.He gets up and I follow him. In the street we walk side by side, he puts his arm over my shoulder, and occasionally puts a kiss on my mouth.To believe that he knows very well that he must keep me in turmoil.We arrive at his house. A beautiful house surrounded by high fence walls. He ushers me into the living room and grabs my mouth with his. He is a great kisser. It's the first time I've kissed a man, and what's more, I'm more than twice my age.I feel that he begins to want to undress me, I help him in his approach.Very quickly I find myself naked. The tail stiff, he lets go of my mouth, take a step back, makes me turn on myself, feeling my ass on the way.He compliments me on having a beautiful body.He walks over to me and pushes me back to the couch. I take this opportunity to run my hands over his clothes and I start to open his shirt. He understands that I also want him naked. He pushes me further back so that I sit on the couch and he gets naked.He has a massive, well drawn body, a little round belly but it suits him very well. His arms and legs are muscular and his cock stiff, the glans sticking up. He walks towards me, once within my reach he stops and says: - Are you okay?- Yes very well.-Do you want to go further?- Yes, I want to.-Touch it then.I grab his cock, caress it, my hand slowly back and forth on this beautiful tail. He stares me straight in the eye, too. Our eyes do not let go, he advances a little more, I understand the signal and I'm dying. I put his cock straight into my mouth and start sucking him.-Oh yes. You only wanted her for yourself.-Yes. I replied and going back to sucking him.I alternate accelerations and decelerations. I take it as deep as I can, he gives light thrusts and puts his hand on my head while encouraging me.After a while that I can't say how long it lasted, I finally let go of his cock and he asked me to get on all fours on the sofa.I run, it is now on my side. His fingers begin to explore my line. I tend my buttocks upwards and the arches to the maximum. This view excites him even more. He tells me not to move, he leaves, and comes back with a little tube that I didn't know what it was.He drips a drop on my anal pussy, which caused me a reaction to the cold it provides.He takes the opportunity to put a little slap on the ass telling me not to move.This slap surprised me but I must admit that this gesture caused me something strange in me but pleasant.His fingers pass over my small hole, starting to sink slowly, which made me moan.I asked him to come ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, First time