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Just me

Publié par : larakigt le 24/07/2020

I am a very naughty transvestite. I am 50 years old and since my earliest childhood I have always been attracted to female underwear. I was already stealing my mother's panties from her wardrobe to wear them while she was away. Then I began a 'normal' couple life with a woman who was not very sexually oriented. After some time, I decided to take the plunge and show off in female attire. I searched the internet and found a club in the capital that accepted transvestites. I registered under the nickname Laurence and posted an ad specifying my desire to show off in undress.I started by going to a Parisian department store where I bought some shopping: an electric blue corset, a coordinated thong, a pair of black nylon stockings. And a few makeup products: lipstick, mascara, foundation and eye shadow.I completely shaved, justifying to my wife that the hairs were scratching me and that I could not stand it anymore.The big day arrives. I have my little backpack with all my girl's clothes.It's a Saturday, according to the club's website there are quite a few people that day. I hesitate a little, a lump in my stomach, to ring the doorbell of the club. A man whom I prevented from returning by my hesitation jostles me a little by saying to me: "So you come back?". Impressed by his firm, male voice, I follow him and walk into the club.A charming boy at the reception asks me for my nickname, I answer him and he therefore offers to give me a cloakroom reserved for women and people wishing to cross-dress. I get the key, go to the locker room, and start to undress. once naked, I will refresh myself by taking a shower and I see that the clientele consists mainly of guys. I am seized with panic, and also with excitement!In a daze, I dry off, and head back to my locker room. I take out my bag, open it and take my girls' things. At this moment, a vicious old man opens the curtain of the locker room and begins to rinse his eye. Too stressed to react, I let him do it.Very focused on my cross-dressing, I put on my corset, adjust my stockings, put on the thong which has no trouble covering my small penis, all softened by anxiety. I put on my black pumps, with medium heels because I cannot yet master walking with too high heels. I put on a brown wig, half long. I use perfume and patiently put on make-up: lipstick, intense blue on the eyelids, foundation to hide the hairs on my face which remain visible despite my careful shave.And taking my courage in both hands, I leave the locker room to enter the club, in view of all the males present.What a delicious feeling to walk in the sauna in front of all these men! I feel transformed, desirable, and despite a certain age, I see young men looking at me with a very visible intention ... The old man who was watching me in the locker room begins to follow me and brush against me. He approaches me and introduces himself: "I am Jean, and I suppose you are Laurence. I saw your ad on the sauna site". I hang my softest voice to answer him: "Yes, and this is the first time that I come" The ice is visibly broken! He is in his sixties, a little fat, his towel does not hide a penis that I imagine imposing.- Would you like me to show you around the club?- Yes, if you want!- Let's start with the cuddly corners.he takes my hand with authority and guides me to the various naughty corners where I can see men caressing each other.- Now let's go to the basement.- And what's down there?- You'll see, Laurence, it's pretty cool!I follow him and discover other cuddly corners, a Glory-hole already occupied by men and a small corridor, without a door. He takes me there.And there, he gently puts his hands on my shoulders, and gently forces me to kneel. He then puts his hands on my face and guides my lips to his penis still covered with his towel. I'm in a panic! I resist a little, but Jean gently forces me to rub myself against his penis. ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Trav