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Michel and Frédéric (part 3)

Publié par : michel17600 le 02/08/2021

is not the first time i see you. "(Provided he doesn't tell me that he saw me yesterday, along the banks of the Loire ...) - Yesterday afternoon, I saw you in front of the theater, there, almost under my windows . You were looking at a poster. You like music ? the opera? " I'm relieved and whisper a 'Yes, a lot' that makes him smile. He puts his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to turn to him. - Come on, don't be afraid, I'm not going to eat you, that devil! Look at me ... there, here it is ... I suggest that we discuss a bit, just to "relax" and so that we get to know each other. Do you want? - Yes, you have no doubt right. "We sat down on the sofa, where everyone took an armrest, and we talked wisely, about everything and nothing (a little), about us (a lot). I discovered a sensitive, playful, endearing Frédéric, a Frédéric with whom I felt at ease, with whom, I have a feeling, I will love what will inevitably happen ... While chatting, he is went to get two glasses and a soda which he took out of the refrigerator. He served us and came back to sit against me, his right thigh against my left thigh. - So, like that, you noticed me yesterday and you recognized me today? " My question is more assertive with a strong nuance of curiosity. I continue, teasing him: - My word, you followed me!- No, but I could very well have. Chance made that ... - Chance?- Not that ! ... "He puts his glass on the low table in front of us to admit:" I like you very much, Michel. I felt it immediately. You release I do not know what that makes you quickly endearing. It's you, it's me ... I can't explain. "I am speechless at this surprising admission. Never before, in my so few adventures, has someone spoken to me in this way, with this spontaneity, this sincerity ... My gaze is lost in that of Frédéric, my thoughts panic in a universe of sensuality and I don't even notice him getting rid of my glass until I finish putting his arm around my shoulders. Instinctively, my head is lodged in this hospitable hollow and while with one hand it strokes my hair, with the other it brushes my knee and goes up along my thigh, brushing so tender and soft that I shudder. -to be. This hand knows how to be both light and cuddly, strong and firm. Through the fabric of the jeans, I can feel the nails, even though they were cut short, making drawings, arabesques ... I close my eyes. The hand seeks its way and the hand will find its way. Frédéric and I are dressed in much the same way: jeans, a light shirt, leather barefoot, which gives us both an air of brothers on vacation. Our two heads are now resting against each other and it is quite naturally that I awkwardly kiss my friend on the hair. They are fine, delicately scented. He, by freeing himself a little, surprises me by placing a furtive kiss on my lips, which open to better receive it. He sucks my lower lip and follows the outline of his tongue which has retained the orange flavor of our soda. I open my eyes, Frédéric gets up and holds out his hands to me, inviting me to do the same. They are beautiful, these hands, they are made to caress, to awaken the senses, to give pleasure, to love ... - You kiss well, for a beginner! it looks like you like ... " For any answer, I show him again that, yes, I love, I love!He took my head between his two hands and he pecks with little lively and light kisses on my lips, my chin, going up to the tip of the nose, cheekbones, eyelids ... I am covered with his kisses, I suffocates under their naughty influence and my cock manifests itself as if to claim, too, its due ... Her tongue renews the slow walk she had started in my mouth and I am bolder to answer her by annoying her little ones harmless toothing or by sucking the end that he likes to harden by rounding it. My taste buds wake up to his, which tastes of wild flowers and forbidden fruits. And this kiss lasts forever ... It's to catch our breath that we put an end to it.- We broke the record for the longest kiss in cinema! "Said, breathing a Frédéric content with himself. To show me that he does not intend to stop there, he takes me in his arms but this time his hands are starting to run over my back, my chest. They are looking for my breasts, find them and with their fingertips they annoy them and pinch their nipples with a tender ardor that forces them to harden. Through the shirt, he feels the two nipples and squeezes them, sometimes with both hands, sometimes simply by touching them. with his outstretched palms. We face each other and I, for my part, offer him the same hugs, wondering if they are having such an effect on him!- It's unbelievable what you are sensitive, say so! "notes Frédéric." And you look awfully sensual to me too ... You have a beautiful body and we have plenty of time in front of us. How are you, am I sweet enough? "His broad smile reveals his two dimples and he winks at me like a happy child. - You are sweetness itself ... You can continue, you know. - Wait, we have to vary the pleasures! have not seen everyt ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Teens, First time, European, Studies