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My beginnings (3)

Publié par : gecko45 le 12/07/2021

I went to the shower to clean my buttocks that I felt dirty with the sperm that had elapsed before returning to my crew station and going to bed. I fell asleep like a mass, very tired of my day and especially of my evening …… The next morning, as soon as the buzzer sounded, questions assailed me. What did I do ? Am I queer? Does it show? ???Toilet, breakfast, chores and then taking duty for 24 hours distracted me a little and prevented me from thinking too much about it. However, as soon as my mind had five minutes of rest, I would ask myself and re-ask questions to which I had no answer ...One of them was: am I going to see Mohamed again the next afternoon? I told myself no, that I couldn't do that, that I had to immediately stop this relationship, that I was not a homosexual; if that was known, what was i going to become ???? At that time, the Royale was not joking with this "" disease "" !!!! I was good for a revocation of my contract, passage through the prison box then the door (and not the big one) !!!But …. But…. At rare moments, the naive, the inexperienced that I was remembered the emotions he had felt in the arms of this Moroccan, the pleasures perceived in contact with his penis. Besides, my very sensitive ass reminded me of it from time to time !!!The next day arrived quite quickly without my having found clear and definitive answers to my questions. The morning was reserved for odd jobs on board and I had an exit permit from 2 p.m.During lunch, I made the decision that I would stay on the aircraft carrier because I really couldn't continue on the path taken the other night. No, really I would certainly not join this gentleman!Actually no…. No…. Yes but… I still really wanted to… I'm going, I'm not going….The warship, because of its size, was moored at the end of a jetty which must have been 1 or 2 km long at the entrance to the port.Around 1:30 p.m. I went up to the flight deck to have a view of the entire quay. I did not see Mohamed's car. I told myself that he had forgotten or that he didn't want me anymore since he had got what he wanted… Happy? disappointed? ... The two Commanders! I sat on a crate, enjoying a soft sun that filtered through a veil of clouds.Suddenly in the distance, I saw his car arriving ... Me, who two seconds before asking me a thousand questions, I jumped, ran down the ladders to get to my post, change into fourth gear and get to the place. where on leave were inspected before leaving. My heart was racing! Goodbye controversies, existential problems and other vain questions !!!! Goodbye fears, anxieties and other fears… I wanted to join him and experience strong emotions, I wanted him to make me discover these things about sex that I did not know, that I did not even imagine before meeting him!With a hurry I got out of the coupe and walked towards his car in which he had stayed. He motioned for me to come up to his side, which I did without hesitation. After a brief hello, he headed for town.Once we got away from the boat, he put his hand on the top of my thigh and asked me how I was, if I was happy to find him. Unlike the day we met, I did not remove his right hand and replied that yes I was very happy. He told me that he was going to show me around the city.Do not ask me to describe “Casa” to you, I would be unable to do so today, it has been far too long and my concern was not so much of a tourist nature. However, I remember that he walked me through the alleys of the Medina at the exit of the port before heading by vehicle towards the center of the city by pretty avenues with little traffic. Mohamed left his hand on my leg as often as possible, describing the places crossed to me.He then took the direction of the beaches that we walked along. There were hotels, swimming pools, volleys, merry-go-rounds all, it seemed to me, mostly frequented by young people of the European type. Besides, we did not stop there. We drove at a slow pace, speaking very little apart from remarks about where we were.He asked me: "do you want us to go to my place?" "- To which I replied in the affirmative without hesitation!Mohamed accelerated a little and changed direction. He told me at that moment that he had thought about me a lot and that he wanted my body very much. I didn't answer but my heart sped up and I had a knot in my stomach.The afternoon was drawing to a close when we arrived at his home. Like the first time it was empty and I hardly worried about where his wife was.Once the door pushed back he hugged me and kissed me, his tongue invaded my mouth. He stroked my back and especially my buttocks. He smelled of sweat, a smell of musk, not very strong, pleasant, exciting. In addition, his hairs around the mouth stung me, irritated my skin. I pointed it out to him and he told me that in order to be able to find me he had worked from 6 am to 1 pm thus having his entire afternoon free… I was fine. He offered me tea, which I gladly accepted as I sat down in the armchair as he went to the kitchen.He quickly came back, we drank our glass of drink and then he asked me to follow him on the way to the bedroom. New embrace, new caresses. He was hugging me tightly and I felt his manhood starting to kick in. I was shaking a little, not sure how to behave, I was hesitating. A bit like the young chick on its branch before its first flight ... well I imagine that it is like this for the bird ...My lover quickly took charge of the operations. My undressing, then his, certainly did not take more than 5 minutes despite a few furtive caresses and kisses exchanged. Still standing, we stuck to each other, going through our bodies with our hands. I felt his cock between us, it was already hard and made me want. He must have felt it because he asked me if I wanted to suck him. Without answering him I s ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Mature, First time, Submission/domination, European, Maghrebin, Threesomes