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My first visit to the sauna

Publié par : patrick195 le 21/04/2021

Since the start of the confinement I have been in the Vichy region. Adept at the site, I started to explore the cruising spots mentioned on the site.Unfortunately many places are no longer current and the last visits seem to date from several months or even more than a year. Despite everything I was able to find something to occupy myself some afternoons. From the start, a site intrigued me because for me I had never taken the plunge.It is a sauna reserved for men. The description of the site and its references on the internet made me think of a pleasant place to meet targeted meetings but my mistrust of a practice and a place that I did not know made me hesitate for a long time.Lately, at the end of March, I launched myself and presented myself at the door of the establishment. The welcome was warm and after a quick visit with the manager and some instructions, I found myself naked like a worm to take my first shower.Few people that day, which allowed me to explore the different friendly rooms, the sauna, the bubble bath and the hammam. Finding the hammam and the dry sauna a little too hot for my taste, I found myself lying in the jacuzzi when another client came to join me.A first approach of our legs, our feet suggested a certain complicity. Soon it was a hand that I felt brush against and then grab my cock while I tried to make the same to my accomplice of the day. Quickly the gestures were more precise, more sensual and our bodies rubbed happily against each other.This was the moment when my accomplice took hold of my nipples to pinch them, turn them, and swallow them to my delight. I felt his tongue then his teeth tickle them each in turn for my greatest pleasure. He had a lot of experience in this area and I completely gave myself over to this partner. He asked me to arch my back so that my stiff cock came back to the surface of the jacuzzi. After a few caresses, he took it in the mouth and performed a magnificent fellatio which after ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Mature, First time, European, Threesomes