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My first 2 nd wk1

Publié par : jejebobrun33 le 09/11/2020

The night was brief. We resumed the course of our week as if nothing had happened. We are working hard to make our internship a success and so the week passed in a sporty way but very calm sexually. The weekend arrived and like the previous time, everyone returned to these houses except Sophie and me. I took the initiative on this Friday evening, to ask Sophie what she wanted to do. I have lots of ideas, she told me, but not at the club. It is 4.30 p.m., we are happy tonight, I go up to the apartment and we meet at the port to go to the beach. Ok for me, I run to drop my things in the dormitory and I go to the port. In the meantime, an instructor is on top of me and asks me to help him enter the blocks. I can not refuse, neither one nor two I put the bottles away, hoping that Sophie is waiting for me. The finished job, I head for the meeting point. Behind me I hear: not walking so fast, it looks like you are going on a date. I turn around, it's Sophie. As I hurried and you weren't there I came back to the club and saw that you had been caught. I hid myself so as not to have to tidy up the blocks. There we laugh and I told her that she could have helped me. I said to him: I hurry in case you leave without me! That answer was unequivocal: you laugh all week to see yourself change, move around me. I couldn't take it anymore, every evening I came back on fire. We walked towards our beach quietly, discussing the past week and the weekend to come. Arrived on the beach still quite a few people but still small quiet corners. We put our towels down, let's take off our clothes and head for the beugnade. We are well exhausted from our week so refreshing in the water and lazing on the towel. We talk about the future weekend, we organize our evening, ect, ect ... we plan to leave tomorrow, this walk in the forest. The beach gradually empties. The day this sleeps when we realize that we are just the two of us. Sophie says to me: we go back to eat a bit at the restaurant of the club and we come back here what do you say? Of course I accept. After a meal shipped at the speed of light, we are back on the beach. It's pitch black, I have the impression that we are alone. Go hop more clothes and go swimming. There we brush against each other, we caress while playing in the water. Of course despite the cold water the excitement rises. Back on the towels. We lie down. Sophie lying next to me, her body shining in the light of the moon. I look at her and start to stroke her. There is no noise, nothing is moving around us. We take the opportunity, I take the pleasure of caressing her gently without saying anything. She stretched out, arms outstretched upwards, she lets it go. She took a liking to let it happen. I pointed out to him. She answers me: I trust you are not going to throw yourself on me like a starving man and it is very pleasant. I continue to give him pleasure when behind we hear a sigh. We are not alone. Sophie contracts and takes over to sit. Looking behind us, now that our eyes are used to the dark, we distinguish a couple giving pleasure. We do not distinguish very well, but we extend well madam. Not too hard, rather discreet but so existing. Sophie turns around and stretches her legs apart. She puts her head in those hands leaning on her elbows. I stroke her back and buttocks without saying anything, just listening and trying to guess the ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens