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My boyfriend's grandfather

Publié par : pachapassif le 15/08/2019

The grandfather of my friend Celtic history is located in 1970 in the city of Rouen, I was 20 years old like my best friend Hervé with whom I shared a small studio, a bedroom, a small room dining room, kitchen, bathroom to live and a small bathroom. Hervé and I had very little overlapping schedules, in fact, I studied mathematics and he attended law school. One day like any other, my friend told me that his grandfather Louis was going to visit him for a week as part of a metropolitan trip he was making as a tourist. do not know how?The following Monday, the grandfather landed around 7:30 p.m. in our studio, an 80-year-old man, 1.80 m, very strong and not old for a penny, a fine specimen of the human race.We chatted about everything and nothing and went to bed early because we had class relatively early tomorrow morning. room.The next morning I got up around 7:30 am and prepared myself as usual to go to class, Hervé had already left for law school, the grandfather was to be in his room, I had finished my ablutions. and finished my breakfast I got dressed to go to CAF, I walked to the door to leave, I crossed the hall and passed the bathroom, surprising the grandfather was there trying to leave. shaving in front of the mirror, completely naked from head to toe, a small, protruding belly, endless long legs, his cock over the sink, quietly getting a makeover, he didn't even move his head when I passed by the bathroom door, but I was disturbed to see a naked man of that age. In fact I felt uncomfortable,- I was waiting for 20 years old and him 80, what was I doing there? I would soon find out.He deigned to turn around and made me a sign so that I approach him, he had an impressive penis which was in semi bandaison, this old man attracted me irresistibly, it was like magnetic, I walked in his direction until to touch him, he ran a hand through my hair and stroked my head and with a slight pressure made me understand to kneel in front of him, he continued to stroke my face, slipped a finger into my mouth that I was forced to open, he then slipped his penis into my mouth and made me understand to suck it, which was a first for me, it grew bigger in my mouth as I sucked and he went back and forth , my mouth was sore, and the situation in which I found myself inspired me with great respect and submission.He accompanied the sucking motion with both hands and was now jerking off with my head.After about ten minutes he pulled me up, his penis escaped me, he took me by the hand and led me into the common room, pushed the various objects and leftovers from the lunch with the back of his hand. on the side, with gentle gestures he made me bend over and lean face down on the table, I obeyed without any hesitation, he placed my hands in front of me so that I could grab the table, he slid my slip on my ankles, and took it off, then his hand went up along my calves, my thighs then in the line of the buttocks, he forced me to spread my legs and brought my behind to him, taking me off a little Table.I felt that he was lubricating the line of my buttocks and my anus with certainly some remaining butter, then he kneaded my behind and finally I felt something hard pointing at the entrance to my intimacy, I was sure. the point of getting my ass fucked by an 80 year old man and I was resigned so much I was happy to satisfy him then he insisted and I felt that my ass was forced despite the lubrication, his cock was starting to come in, tears came to me in the eyes, I restrained myself from screaming it hurt so much, merciless Louis pierced me and buggered me to the hilt, I risked a hand to realize the situation, I felt, this big gun in my ass then the two balls hanging down and touching mine, I had 4 balls in my ass,he removed my hand and began to go back and forth in my entrails, he buggered me in a beautiful way, me the boyfriend of his grandson, it no longer hurt and I felt tingles of happiness in my sex, he accelerated rhythm and came and hit my buttocks very hard, his pubis slapped in rhythm, his hands squeezed my hips like a brute, he swung me from time to time a few slaps in parallel with this furious assault, he went into a trance and the last blow hips made us move me and the table and deep inside me he was pouring his sperm, without finishing his enjoyment, he was moaning with pleasure and remained stuck in my loins for a few moments, he gently pulled his cock out of my ass and I felt a hot liquid dripping too.fucked my grandson's boyfriend in the ass in a beautiful way, it no longer hurt and I felt tingles of happiness in my sex, he picked up the pace and came to hit my buttocks very hard, his pubis slammed rhythmically, his hands squeezed my hips like a brute, he gave me a few slaps from time to time in parallel with this furious assault, he went into a trance and the last hip thrust made me and the table move and deep inside me he poured his sperm , without finishing his enjoyment, however, he moaned with pleasure and remained stuck in my loins for a few moments, he gently pulled his cock out of my ass and I felt a hot liquid dripping as well.fucked my grandson's boyfriend in the ass in a beautiful way, it no longer hurt and I felt tingles of happiness in my sex, he picked up the pace and came to hit my buttocks very hard, his pubis slammed rhythmically, his hands squeezed my hips like a brute, he gave me a few slaps from time to time in parallel with this furious assault, he went into a trance and the last hip thrust made me and the table move and deep inside me he poured his sperm , without finishing his enjoyment, however, he moaned with pleasure and remained stuck in my loins for a few moments, he gently pulled his cock out of my ass and I felt a hot liquid dripping as well.he picked up the pace and slapped my butt very hard, his pubis was banging rhythmically, his hands were squeezing my hips like a brute, he was swinging a few slaps at me from time to time in parallel with this furious assault, he went into a trance and the last hip thrust made us move me and the table and deep inside me he was pouring his sperm, without finishing his enjoyment, he was moaning with pleasure and remained stuck in my loins for a few moments, he gently pulled his cock out of my ass and I felt a hot liquid dripping as well.he picked up the pace and slapped my butt very hard, his pubis was banging rhythmically, his hands were squeezing my hips like a brute, he was swinging a few slaps at me from time to time in parallel with this furious assault, he went into a trance and the last hip thrust made us move me and the table and deep inside me he was pouring his sperm, without finishing his enjoyment, he was moaning with pleasure and remained stuck in my loins for a few moments, he gently pulled his cock out of my ass and I felt a hot liquid dripping as well.he went into a trance and the last hip thrust made me and the table move and deep inside me he was pouring his sperm, without finishing his enjoyment, he was moaning with pleasure and remained stuck in my loins for a few moments, he went out gently his cock from my ass and I felt a hot liquid dripping as well.he went into a trance and the last hip thrust made me and the table move and d ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Gay, Sodomy, Mature, Threesomes