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Would the pandemic look good?

Publié par : bitagourmand le 14/10/2020

I am no longer very young and therefore I am traumatized by reminding me every day that the covid m is waiting on every street corner.I admit that I have no desire to play with fire but that living life would no longer have much taste without relationships. I nevertheless selected a lot more and therefore slowed down.and somehow I passed the confinement and deconfinement. but it was very poor in relation to my taste despite some good surprises.Then I had to go to Paris having regrouped all my obligations on a single day I spent 2 nights at the hotel, or rather 2 long evenings hanging out.Sorry for you but nothing spectacular, only the monuments in Paris keep their former splendor. when you come back after 10a of absence and your network no longer works in this period the approaches seem too risky for an old man lol If everything went well and if I really appreciated the respect of wearing a mask in Paris (metro and public places) it was not the same for train journeys where, unfortunately, the SNCF is content to remind every half hour of the obligation to wear a mask and threaten a fine in the event of control (but controls there are not even tickets and the mask at 90% seems unknown. On my return I decided to put myself in fourteen. But it is always when you do not seek anything that things happen.I had been dragging my boredom for 10 days when a call woke me up. A young person with whom I had spent an evening a long time ago (before the covid) who had left me with good memories, but that's it. He came to the news and undoubtedly victim too of the rarefaction of the "blows" had suddenly remembered an old man very horse on the hygiene lol.Overcoming my desire to devour him raw and anxious to show him that I was not at his disposal (as long as he insisted) I told him that I was still in fourteen. (I will learn later that this sentence echoed with him, which also turns out to be very cautious) Damn a cautious young gourmand that asking for more we discuss and of course we decide to celebrate my end of fortnight with a small meal at my place.Four days later we find ourselves with good resolutions to be careful but a great desire to spend a less gloomy evening.The meal is spent enjoying food and wine and discussing the evening we spe ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Teens, Mature, European