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It was good, it was hot, it smelled of hot sand

Publié par : antoine79 le 18/09/2020

It is once again one of those hot and beautiful summer days. Faithful to what has become a habit of mine, I grab a sandwich and hit the road for the gravel pit. It is one of those gravel pits on the banks of the Rhine, still in operation, where gravel is extracted for public works. These banks are well planted, but in addition to a "beach" of a hundred meters in length, it is a succession of several small sites which follow one another. The opposite is far away and bushes, between each location, allow you to bask quietly, intimately.I like to come and come back with my dear and tender, recently. Without clothes, without swimsuits, we take advantage of the sun, we savor the wind which caresses us to the depths of our private parts, to become dependent on this freshness of the water which envelops us completely. We finish getting excited by caressing each other, kissing. It's so good that foreplay is enough to lead us to enjoyment.A path serves the bank, connecting each of these little corners. Depending on the day and time, there are more or less people, more or less swimmers in swimsuits, predominantly naturists when it's not on vacation. There is a dominance of single men. Some go back and forth on the trail, on the lookout for naughty events, exhibitionists or not. It's not the orgy, far from it, or at least I didn't have to notice it, but there are couples or men who seem to appreciate naturist lounging as much as we do.When there are couples, there are usually single men who land nearby. As long as the couple is of the fusional type, the pheromones having to stimulate them, they turn and turn. At the beginning it is disturbing, especially for my dear and tender. For me, it is rather an excitement that it brings.The only ones I could blame are the modest voyeurs, those who do not respect couples; when we want to watch naturists, we do naturism.Few of them trade with their prey. It lacks humanity. It's gross. In such circumstances, a little hello, a little smile, a little friendliness. As long as the conversation begins and it is a moment of exchange that is born, with more than a simple observation to the key, more pleasure.So that day I come with my snack. I choose a place a little more remote than usual. I undress and quickly eat my sandwich. I can't wait to get in the ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation