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On the way to the Var (1)

Publié par : trodat59 le 08/11/2020

For the 1985 vacation, my two friends and I decided to go on vacation for a bit of adventure. We had taken the option of hitchhiking south. After a while a Renault Espace stopped beside us and the man driving, in his forties, asked us where we were going. We answer that we are going to the coast, but without a specific drop-off point. He replied that he would be happy to render this service to young people like us.After a few hours of driving, under the pretext that he was tired, he decided to stop in a small dirt road. After switching his seat to a "bunk", he took off his polo shirt and his shorts, and found himself in his underwear. he invited us, seeing the heat to put us at ease. He told us that he practiced naturism and to prove it he lowered his panties to show us any lack of tan mark. His penis grew rapidly. He took his cock in hand and masturbated. We had already compared our sexes with each ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, Forty, Threesomes