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funny surprise (nursing)

Publié par : lovemecbi34 le 06/03/2018

its been a week since i had an ingual hernia so i have home nursing care. at the beginning it was my nurse who came and after 3 days she told me I am going skiing and it is my replacement who will come and take care of you. so the next morning at the end of the morning. he arrives he introduces himself I am rudy the replacement. he comes in and comes to the room have chatted one can wonder if its going to be very courteous this first visit t he takes care of the care. prick for phlebitis cleanses the wound gently so much as I feel his warm hand brushing my stomach. he noticed that my three-piece service was purple and told me and beh said the poor man has to put some ointment on it for him to come back to life. I look at him surprised then he searches in his bag and takes out a tube. I give you a bit of this ointment, it's going to do you good. he puts a spray on his fingers and slowly begins his treatment. at first very surprised at the situation. then I let myself go between embarrassment and surprise all the same because it felt good. he finishes then goes to the bathroom and tells me to go tomorrow. the next day he rings and comes home I was waiting for him. and there he was res professional taking care and left as early as that all week until the last 2 days. he arrives and gets to work. I ask h ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Forty, Mature, Married