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Nice cock for a virgin ass

Publié par : chouchou612 le 18/08/2020

It was one morning, during one of my trips to the Paris region. I had planned to make a small detour by a lake, where I knew that meetings were taking place in the parking lot and in the forest. All the way I thought about that but first I had to find condoms and cream (just in case). Once all that had been bought and nicely stored in the glove box, I was finally heading towards this famous lake. The excitement grew as I entered this place. Several cars were already parked in the small sandy parking lot, I park, cut the engine, and I look around a bit before putting my hand delicately on my penis through the jeans, in the distance from the round trips we take place between the parking lot and the forest and I see a person in particular who comes out of the forest and sits on a block in front of the entrance, I quickly understand when in daylight nothing would happen on the car park. I take my courage and I open the glove box, grab the tube of cream and I open the box of condoms and remove 2 that I slip into my pocket, I close the glove box and I go out. I'm outside, beeping the car and start walking towards the entrance of the forest towards the person sitting in front, other people continue their back and forth quickly and discreetly. Seeing me arrive the seated person gets up and begins to enter the forest in front of me, I tell myself that it smells good, and I am behind, we both embark on the small path and we start to walk one behind the other with 2 other people All in front, we advance, we advance, it seems to me too long and I did not want to m 'Sinking too far into the forest, so I turned around suddenly letting the other people keep moving. So I turn back by asking myself lots of questions (I haven't come so far for nothing anyway), the urge is too strong to barely reach halfway, I decide an extremist to lower the rear a little my shorts leaving my rounded buttocks protruding and take out my cream, spread it over 2 fingers and I start to push them vigorously into my hole, I strip a little, I put a little cream on 3 fingers this time and I sink! Um, it was so nice and exciting, anyway. I pack up the cream and I decide to turn around by going back into the forest to meet the 3 people including the one who was sitting in front of the forest. I had barely started to move forward when the group of three arrived towards me with the famous person sitting at its head, we look at each other we meet and suddenly I take my courage and I tell him "you are looking for some things" he answers me in turn also cash "you want to suck me" hum too good, I answer him directly word for word "yeah if you want" yum yum I'm happy and start heading off track by asking him "where do you want to go?" By these good 'by carrying the directly from a tree. As I moved forward I began to slowly lower my shorts to the back letting my butt stick out to excite him a little. Arriving on the spot he asked me if I wanted a report to protect or not and I answered him that yes by handing him a condom which began to put on as soon as I did. At that moment I wasn't hard on much yet, when he told me "it's good she's ready" I turned my head and ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, First time