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Daring walk, Cap or not Cap!

Publié par : cleduc le 22/04/2024

In a beautiful month of May, a gay friend suggested that we go for a walk the next evening in the nearby forest, so far nothing surprising, except that my friend with whom I had already had great experiences, told me explains that the forest where we are going for a walk is a hot spot for homosexual encounters, I am Bi myself. My friend who knows me well and knows that I don't like to lose, that I'm a gambler, suddenly throws me a rather special challenge, it's this challenge that earned the title of this story! He tells me that I am not up to going with him for a walk in the narrow and busy paths of this wood, and that while only wearing my sexiest underwear... (I forgot to tell you that I love sexy men's underwear...). He explains to me that he will be at my side and that he will introduce me to the various evening walkers, that it will be very exciting to show me in just my mini-underpants in front of strangers who won't miss a bit, while adding once again that I am not able to complete this challenge! Neither one nor two, my winning spirit takes over me and without thinking too much I tell him that I will do it but that afterwards it is I who will find him a challenge that he will have to complete. The next day, we arranged to meet at his house, I arrived dressed in jeans with micro-briefs underneath with ties on the sides, he asked to see what I found underneath, but I tell him that he will find out like everyone else when we arrive at the woods. Arrived there, we park and then I realize that there are crowds in this wood, in fact, no less than 4 cars are parked in the parking lot and no one inside the cars! My friend tells me that now it's time to see if I have enough balls to complete this challenge, I answer him "No problem for me"...So we both get out of the car and head towards the first path just in front of us, barely after entering the woods my friend says to me “Go in your underwear, and quickly”, I feel that he wants to play dominant tonight, and he also knows that I also like to play submissive. I comply immediately without flinching, there he is already very excited to see me in red micro-briefs with strap-style fasteners on the sides, it's all very sexy and I see in his eyes a taste delicacy which he would like to take advantage of... We advance about thirty meters in the woods, I am quite excited and a little worried about who we might come across, and in fact a guy is standing about 5 meters away in a side path and seeing us he starts following us, another guy comes out of a thicket and 2 others are together and talking. We advance about twenty more meters until we reach a rather open place, the 4 guys, my friend and I are there, all gathered in this corner, I am the only one who is practically naked! My friend presents me to them as one presents a piece of meat to the butcher. “It's appetizing, isn't it, a good hungry Bi slut! Do you have anything to give him to eat, he's a gourmand? The guys look at each other and reply that they have 4 good pieces that should satisfy me, laughing. In the next second, they grab me and remove these famous suspender clips and here I am ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Submission/domination, Threesomes